The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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5/14/2022 6:05 pm  #1


California has rugged mountains, dry deserts so not all the terrain is habitable. Yet they have 40 million people, 10 million more than #2 Texas. They seem to be jammed in some spots like Los Angeles County. 

Just south of there it's burning up.

And it's going to get worse.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

5/15/2022 11:15 am  #2

Re: California

xoxoxoBruce wrote:

  And it's going to get worse.

No it won't.  Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and other experts from Fox News even say that global cooling is happening.  It must be true.  Others say so.  That proves it.

They also said Saddam had WMDs.  And that covid was only another flu being hyped by liars and drug companies.  That also is true.  Extremism in the name of liberty is no vice.

Last edited by tw (5/15/2022 11:17 am)


5/15/2022 11:44 am  #3

Re: California

Spent my first 30 years in LA, haven't been back for the last 30.  It sucks.

We used to camp and drink beer on the beach at Laguna Niguel, mostly to ourselves and for free.
That population explosion shown in the pic is hard to believe.
The sea view homes on the bluff were all 10 mil plus.  The rest of the place averages 1 mil,
Now it sucks too.


5/16/2022 7:00 am  #4

Re: California

I too spent my first 30 years in South Orange County Ca. Capistrano Beach, to Laguna Beach. I left in '91 and have been back twice, and I wouldn't give you a nickel for the whole place. It used to be a nice place then all of the assholes moved in and now the place SUX.

I Love my country, I fear the government.

5/17/2022 6:59 pm  #5

Re: California

I grew up in SoCal.  Moved there from Ohio in 1973.  Left in 1990.  I did love California, and I do love *parts* of California.  BLUF--Bottom Line Up Front--too many people in too little space.  

I commuted into LA, and by the time I left, my 80 mile commute (each way) I could have hopped from rooftop to rooftop and never touched the ground until I reached the Pacific Ocean.  So. So. So Crowded.

I left for economic reasons.  That was a good choice on my part, but I do still love the dream of California.

Be Just And Fear Not

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