As we continue to dig around and try out the new digs, Limey has accurately noted that Boardhost has a standard but notable Terms of Service clause regarding content they host:
The following content is not allowed on your message board or forum:
- Racism
- Hatred or hate speech
- Harassment
- Excessive profanity
- Obscene material
- Violent content, including fights and/or gore
- Nudity or pornography
- Adult content, including fetish content and/or erotic stories
- Piracy, hacking, cracking, viruses, worms, warez, malware or adware
- Sales of prescription and/or elicit drugs, alchohol and/or tobacco, or firearms and/or weapons
- Any illegal content or the promotion of illegal activity
- Material that infringes intellectual property or other proprietary rights of any party
- Material the posting of which is tortious or violates a contractual or fiduciary obligation you or we owe to another party
- Content that is objectionable, controversial or otherwise unsuitable for the placement of advertising, in Boardhost's sole discretion
- Commercial Banner advertisements or revenue generating links (other than those which we have placed on your board), if you have a free service plan
- Any link to or any image from a site containing any material outlined in these restrictions
- Any material deemed offensive or inappropriate by Boardhost, in its sole discretion, after you have been informed that Boardhost so deems the material (you agree that Boardhost may remove such material or direct you to remove it without prior notice, however)
Obviously "excessive" (as bolded above) is subject to interpretation, and I don't think a reasonable person would find the Cellar milieu to be excessively profane. As for nudity, there hasn't been a ton of NSFW content over the years, but there has certainly been some. My gut feeling is this is a "not a problem until someone complains" kind of thing, but it is technically a thing--and they reserve the right to delete posts at their sole discretion, and/or shut down the board if they feel like a good faith effort is not being made by admins to stay compliant when infractions are pointed out.
That said, any other hosting service is going to have nearly identical legalese in their Terms of Service, and the only real way around it would be to own the servers and the hosting outright, as Undertoad has been doing. It seems likely that we will just have to restrict our dirty images to our imagination from now on...
Yeah, I figured it didn't matter since we're likely to upgrade to a paid forum sooner rather than later. They note that if a free-version forum is deemed unsuitable for advertising, the paid version is always still an option.
that's the one I noticed, too.
what I immediately thought when I saw how easy and free it is to set up a message board, was, pardon my broaching the subject, "couldn't hate speech groups be using these'?
hopefully that is where the bulk of their discretion is obligated to be spent
Clodfobble wrote:
Yeah, I figured it didn't matter since we're likely to upgrade to a paid forum sooner rather than later. They note that if a free-version forum is deemed unsuitable for advertising, the paid version is always still an option.
Please let me show you the money
Clodfobble wrote:
- Excessive profanity
Obviously "excessive" (as bolded above) is subject to interpretation,
ah bollocks, I guess I'll go and edit something....... sorry
BigV wrote:
Please let me show you the money
also this
I am very glad about the nudity or pornography though. If I had to get my tits out for the lads, I'd be worried about wheeling my chair over them
This might be a red line for Grav
Regarding the money, a couple different folks have offered to help with the paid-version fees, which is much appreciated. At this point I'm just giving it a few days to make sure this is really where we want to stay, and no unexpected deal-breakers pop up...
Thank god only elicit drug sales are forbidden; the means full speed ahead for the illicit ones!
So, why can't we just do the same thing Tony is doing?
Because it is expensive, and requires technical knowledge from the administrator that none of us have.
I'm guessing you already checked vBulletin and did comparison shopping. I have a difficult time with change.
Last edited by footfootfoot (10/16/2020 11:26 am)
I hear you. To me, any place is inherently better than the change of "no more cellar," even if it takes a bit to work the kinks out. I am not prepared to have no more cellar right now. Not at all.
Clodfobble wrote:
I hear you. To me, any place is inherently better than the change of "no more cellar," even if it takes a bit to work the kinks out. I am not prepared to have no more cellar right now. Not at all.
Well, chyeah.