From Wiki...
"As of 2024, after the 2023 elections, all seven council members are women, making St. Paul the first city in American history of its size (more than 300,000 people) with an all-female legislative body. Six of the seven are also women of color: Saura Jost, Hwa Jeong Kim, and Yang are Asian-American; Jalali is Asian-American and Iranian; and Anika Bowie and Cheniqua Johnson are African-American. The Center for American Women and Politics has noted that "only 32 percent of municipal officeholders across the country are women. And women of color are even more underrepresented." According to Jean Sinzdak, associate director of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University, "If you compare that, it's [Saint Paul's new Council] not just sort of bucking the trend, it's blowing it right out of the water. So it's a big moment."
I think this will prove to be a good thing for St Paul and it's people. One or two may get disgusted and not run again in 4 years. One or two may piss off someone or ones who have to power to keep them from being reelected, but I've a feeling they'll do a good job. You go Girl!