The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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2/14/2024 2:56 am  #1


A hobby is something you do for your own reasons. Some are difficult, complicated, expensive, etc.
But some are cheap and easy like collecting things most throw out.
I use the word hobby to mask my hoarding of shit I'll never use again.

This guy has made a hobby of collecting motorcycle drum brake assemblies.
The best part is not having to justify it... just say hobby.


 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

2/14/2024 6:44 am  #2

Re: Hobby

Best place for a drum brake is on those shelves.  And not on any motorcycle.


2/14/2024 8:29 am  #3

Re: Hobby

My Dad has a VW camper refrigerator collecting hobby.  99+ percent of the world's refrigerators and air conditioners use similar methods for cooling.  You compress a gas (refrigerant) and then let it cool off a little in a radiator before you release the pressure on it and it gets really cold.  The VW refrigerators use another method for cooling that uses heat somehow and was invented and patented by none other than Albert Einstein.  My Dad the physics professor who loves VWs couldn't help himself with that confluence of interests he had in VWs and physics, and since his fridge was on the fritz, he's been slowly buying up all the fridges in the North East when ever they show up on Ebay.  The fridge in his VW camper probably works better than any other in the US.

That will be a fun chore to get rid of those fridge guts when he passes.


2/18/2024 2:36 am  #4

Re: Hobby

Yeah, the fridge in My folks first truck camper ran on propane and no electricity. No compressor, no circulating pump, just a propane flame. This was in the late 50's/early 60's. I didn't try to figure it out, I was busy trying to remember to put the pin in the door so it wouldn't disgorge it's contents on corners.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.
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