The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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11/27/2020 8:32 pm  #26

Re: nobody likes to be corrected

Flint wrote:

Okay, sorry if confusing. That's a good answer to the question as I intended it to mean.

then I give myself a 🌟


11/27/2020 11:36 pm  #27

Re: nobody likes to be corrected

Big Brother, our socialist overlord that has an orgasm when he cOnTrOLs yOuR tHoUgHtS blesses you upon this day. You are deemed a good boy and may receive one unit of social approval.

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     Thread Starter

11/28/2020 8:40 am  #28

Re: nobody likes to be corrected

yeah, BB can keep that there unit

I got *beer & smokes: I'm good

*and coffee


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