Showing the variation in honey at a London Bee dudes convention.
This got me thinking about the honey I got from nowhereman in CT.
Heavenly, not too sweet, flavor out the ying yang, best ever.
Last edited by xoxoxoBruce (4/01/2021 1:03 am)
That's impressive. Still at it here, ramping up for another season. Our Beekeeping Association does a similar display at an agricultural fair in August, along with instructional photographs and videos. Had to run our Bee School via Zoom this year (something else to learn). I am also shooting the videos, expanded my gear to a 4 camera switcher, multiview monitor and a new laptop to run all this stuff. Now just have to figure all this tech out.
Welcome back, nowhereman.
Good morning Sir.
Hey man!
♫ Do Bee Do Bee Doooo...
12 bees their whole life to make a teaspoon... bee grateful!
Sometimes good guys do get the means.
Hi All - Glad to be here. Still too cold to be working bees this weekend. Picking up packages of bees this Friday to kick off the year. The bees gave me about 130 pounds of honey last spring, nothing in the fall (way too dry for any nectar flow other than what they needed for themselves). They get supplemental feedings of sugar syrup to build them up for the winter. Supposed to be warmer from Monday on out, so here's hoping that the cold is mostly behind us. Next is new plastic on the greenhouse and seed starting.
Meanwhile, in New Mexico, they're *giving* them away.A Man Found 15,000 Bees in His Car After Grocery Shopping=20px
NYT wrote:
He had just finished grocery shopping, but a New Mexico man got much more than he bargained for when he returned to his car in the store’s parking lot: A swarm of 15,000 honey bees had taken over the back seat.The man, whose name was not released, had left a window down in a Buick while he made a 10-minute stop at an Albertsons supermarket on Sunday afternoon in Las Cruces, N.M., the authorities said.It wasn’t until he had started to drive away that he noticed that something was amiss, according to the Las Cruces Fire Department.“Then he turned back and looked and like was, ‘Holy Cow,’ ” Jesse Johnson, an off-duty firefighter and paramedic whose hobby is beekeeping, said of the man’s reaction in an interview on Wednesday. “He called 911 because he didn’t know what to do.”
While this was one of the larger swarms he has relocated, Mr. Johnson said he could have completed the delicate task in just five to 10 minutes. But he didn’t want to rush it, so he said he spent 20 to 30 minutes at the scene. He put the bees in the empty hive box and loaded it into his truck for the ride home.The Fire Department estimated that 15,000 bees were removed.“The meat and potatoes part was real quick,” Mr. Johnson said, adding, “I didn’t want to leave him with 1,000 bees still in his car looking for their queen.”=20px
So, *thanks* for that.
Catching a swarm... step #1... put on your big balls.
One of the coolest videos I've ever seen,
Gravdigr wrote:
That clip should get good buzz.
"I'm an idiot"
Wow, they got that cap off, impressive.
Those ladies are not to be messed with.
Those are really cool but I wonder how he did it? They aren't Honey Bees, they're solitary bees he built homes for. Tubes or holes drilled in wood just big enough for a single bee, He said he didn't disturb the bees but how did he get them so well lit, to take such beautiful pictures?
Hey Pollen-nose, you lookin' at me?
I got a call from my cousin that there was a swarm in her yard. I didn't think to take a first picture of it. Noli and I went over and the situation was ideal. The bees were in a small maple that her husband had designs on cutting down. I cut it out and dropped it in a box. The queen was in the clump so eventually the rest of the ladies settled in.
Very cool! Ten out of ten on all scales.
I had a wasp problem years ago with the downer feature that they liked to sting whatever of my legs showed below my shorts.
Also I solved part of my IE picture problem by just copying the thread addy to Chrome. Tube and photos opened instantly for viewing (no sign in), then back here (IE) for comment.