The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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2/07/2021 1:14 pm  #1

Lyrics with meaning reprise

In the back of the heart of blue earth county, many many years ago I stood in the cold next to my mother and 38 men blindfold   As the natives took their place singing their death song The prison chaplain called their names, but he got one of the names wrong Now I’ve been, fighting, with this notion that the world does a good man well I seen all around me, a man do hateful things and he’s still walking around y’see, while the good one’s gone Some say there was no mistake, some say they wanted that man to be hung For falling in love with a white woman and caring for her infant son When he was first captured, she cried don’t take him, you don’t know If not for him, my bones would be bleaching on the prairie, my children with little crow Now I’ve been fighting with this notion that the world does a good man well I seen all around me, a man do hateful things and he still walking around y’see, while the good one’s gone The moment came and the ropes all placed and the drums they quieted the crowd The men wailed and danced on the trap door gallows and yelled each other’s names so loud And when they heard their name they yell “I’m here, I’m here,” and they yell out their fellowman's name for the heavens to hear And the clergyman spoke on, about christ and how he died And the ax was lifted high… I’ve been fighting with this notion that the world does a good man well I seen all around me, a man do hateful things and he’s still walking around y’see, while the good ones gone


If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

1/24/2022 12:25 pm  #2

Re: Lyrics with meaning reprise

My body lies
But still I roam


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