The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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5/18/2021 6:24 am  #1

5/18/21 DuPont State Forest NC

DuPont State Recreational Forest, commonly known as DuPont Forest, is a 12,500-acre (51 km2)[1][/url][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuPont_State_Forest#cite_note-ForestOverview-3][3][/url] state forest, located in [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henderson_County,_North_Carolina]Henderson[/url] and [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transylvania_County,_North_Carolina]Transylvania[/url] counties of North Carolina. The name originates from the fact that the DuPont company arranged the sale of the original tract to the state.[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuPont_State_Forest#cite_note-HelsleyJones2007-2][2][/url] Adjacent tracts have since been purchased and added to the state forest. Portions of the forest formerly contained a manufacturing facility for the production of X-ray film.[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuPont_State_Forest#cite_note-HelsleyJones2007-2][2][/url] The forest was used to shoot scenes from the 1992 film The Last of the Mohicans as well as the 2012 box office hit The Hunger Games.[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuPont_State_Forest#cite_note-4][4][/url][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuPont_State_Forest#cite_note-5][5][/url] On February 12, 2019, the forest added 402 acres (1.63 km2) from Conserving Carolina, part of a section called the Continental Divide Tract that connects with other public lands. 314 more acres will be added to the forest by the end of 2019.[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuPont_State_Forest#cite_note-6][6]


If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

5/18/2021 1:20 pm  #2

Re: 5/18/21 DuPont State Forest NC

Looks purty.

I've been to NC a couple times when I was a kid.  It was always the height of summer.

Makes me sweat thinking about it.[/wilting]


5/18/2021 7:49 pm  #3

Re: 5/18/21 DuPont State Forest NC

That is sublime.

Thanks for that picture.  Being in the outdoors is a balm to my soul.  Obviously, I spend a LOT of time indoors, in front of a computer... sigh.  That's by choice and I accept it, but the counterbalance to that experience is outdoors, baby.  The woods are choice.  The desert has its own unique charm.  The rivers, the ocean, the shore, even an island of green in a sea of pavement.   There truly is something ineffably refreshing from a forest bath, even a small, brief one.

Be Just And Fear Not

5/19/2021 5:47 am  #4

Re: 5/18/21 DuPont State Forest NC


If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis
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5/19/2021 11:57 am  #5

Re: 5/18/21 DuPont State Forest NC

It's beautiful... until Jeff gets there.

According to the National Park Service graffiti has become a huge problem in both state and national parks.
They've even resorted to trail cams trying to nail the perps.
I wonder if they do catch them what happens, slap on the wrist, cut off internet access, spanking?

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

5/19/2021 5:15 pm  #6

Re: 5/18/21 DuPont State Forest NC

Dox them and let the internet handle it.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis
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