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6/19/2021 4:14 pm  #1

Portmanteaus, New Words

A quickie clip from the BBC about protmanteaus and how they are currently the most popular way to create new words.  I quite like snaccident.....


what are your favorites?  Sorting clothing donations at the thrift shop let me to create "stainbow" ....but it turns out I wasn't the first,,,,

Last edited by monster (6/19/2021 4:15 pm)

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity  Amelia Earhart

6/19/2021 8:00 pm  #2

Re: Portmanteaus, New Words

I use snausages all the time. They were, and maybe still are a dog treat snack + sausage. I just like snausage as a word. I think people in my family tolerate it.

Hey! That's me up there!

6/19/2021 10:24 pm  #3

Re: Portmanteaus, New Words

ooh I remembered one I came across the other day, although apparently I'm late to the party....  athleisure.  Clothes you wear to slob around in but look like you actually work out, although apparently the biggest lines are the ones that look like business clothes but fit like athleisure so are perfect for zoom calls to the office..... 

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity  Amelia Earhart
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6/20/2021 4:19 am  #4

Re: Portmanteaus, New Words

Mizzle. One of those damp autumn mornings when it's a bit more than mist but not quite drizzle.

Labradog. I'll let that one bark for itself.


6/20/2021 6:18 am  #5

Re: Portmanteaus, New Words

Baneary. A road weary banana suitable for a smoothy.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

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