A terminal case of plutocracy.
server's "temporariily" busy.
their newest acquisition?
You be the judge!
Very impressive with the tires and technology of 1938.
Auto-Union tried to break that record the same day but failed and their driver died.
Germany... 1938... Auto-Union driver named Bernd Rosemeyer... who knows?
Alien technology, we're lucky the Germans had a falling out with the Greys.
I want this so bad. With a Hyperion and my supply of masks I could out pretty-boy, Pretty-Boy Floyd.
Buy two of those beauts and let me know when to come get mine.
Unicorns, cars that were shown and the sales materials printed and sent to dealers, but never went into production.
Promises promises, that's why the fine print saying actual product may vary.
At the last minute the top dog at Ford said sports cars shouldn't have that much chrome.
still under the delusion the '55 T-bird was a sports car.
The '57 Chevy got changed at the last minute adding a piece to make it the same shape as the BelAir.
Good move I think....
Last edited by xoxoxoBruce (12/31/2021 2:28 am)
Somebody moving their Corvair, probably early in the morning hence the school bus, but generally light traffic. He's smart enough to pull over and give way to oncoming traffic. He's got a lot to lose and definitely be his fault.
Hey maybe he pulled over to let the wide load sign truck catch up.
I started to ask how ya get it off, but, I guess the same way ya got on.
Or, just unstrap it and hit the gas?
When it absolutely, positively has get there overnight.
"There" being from the junkyard to the front yard.
Whut? There's an empty set of blocks out there.
TheNeverWas wrote:
I started to ask how ya get it off, but, I guess the same way ya got on.
Well, it's obvious really.
You prop it up on four poles and reverse the truck underneath.
I discovered this a few weeks ago when I was looking at Hawk Springs, Wyoming on Street View.
I wondered why anyone would want to display a car several feet up in the air like that.
Now I know!
[url= ,-104.2664394,3a,35.2y,330.44h,92.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sww37S0QkKS2b0roZ5LGIyQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en]Street View.[/url]
Explanatory note:
I'd stopped there for a rest and to post some cards on one of my trips to the US and was just taking a trip down memory lane when I spotted the car on the updated coverage.
I had a chat to the lady in the post office who regaled me with tales of the local snake population.
She said that a neighbour had gone into her garage and disturbed something venomous sleeping in the gloom which promptly bit her.
Thankfully the neighbour survived but was badly affected by the experience.
Snake bites, even the nonvenomous type, are a jolt to the nervous system.
They happen so quick there's no chance to retreat or mentally prepare for the hit.
You're bit and that sneaky, slimy, slithery nogoodnik is half way home already.
If the guy with the Corvair has a loading dock or even walled higher elevation just jack it up and slide planks under the tires to the dock and roll it off. Or pick it up with a front end loader. It looks like it's in pretty good shape so I doubt he wants to shove it off, if he doesn't want the car the body panels could be sold to a Corvair aficionado.
'65 Corvette factory built cutaway display.
The Hirohata Merc, holy grail of customs.
Where is all this money coming from?
It was #5
I thought it was funny they were babbling on and on how collectors cars have shot up in the last 18 months, good time to sell, blah blah blah.
The top Mustang that sold for $3.75 million, the seller bought that a couple years ago for $100,000 more than it sold for here.
I guess when you rev that motor it goes BRMMM, BRMMMM, BRMMMMMMM.
Try the fish, tip your waiter, I'll be back next month...
When you're paying tons of money for a car don't you check to make sure you got all the parts you paid for? You mean you trust them?
We've touched on this before...Still worth a read:
[size=100]Car companies stand to make billions by charging you monthly fees for add-on features like heated seats [/size]
Last edited by TheNeverWas (2/05/2022 12:30 pm)
Goddamn the formatting on this goddamned board.
Yeah, that link goes to yahoo news, not to a particular story just what they're throwing up at the time.
I suspect you have to click on the story to make it stand alone for it's own link to show.
This should do it
You know they call them seat heaters because rear defrosters was taken.
I'm just going to drop this sweet sweet duce here...
xoxoxoBruce wrote:
Yeah, that link goes to yahoo news, not to a particular story just what they're throwing up at the time.
I suspect you have to click on the story to make it stand alone for it's own link to show.
That link works like it should for me. The mal-formatted link in post #248, I mean.