The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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8/11/2021 10:16 pm  #1


When a bird is coming into the LZ hot they can whiffle to dump speed.
Handy when they have to come in high to avoid approach path AA then must make a steep dive to the LZ.
To make the steep dive quickly they flip over and the forces that push them up now push down for a couple seconds. It is also dumping air sloughing off speed.

There are plenty of examples online of people holding a bird moving it around while the bird holds it’s head perfectly still. It makes sense for raptors, Eagles, Hawks, Owls, but even a chicken will do it. It’s an amazing skill and apparently an automatic action.


 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

8/12/2021 3:32 pm  #2

Re: Whiffling

In little planes you can apply full flaps and/or slideslip to bleed off excess speed.  I think turning upside down and fluttering might be upsetting to the passengers.
I love the head-stilling trick raptors use to keep an eye on prey while jinking.
I had no idea about this amazing behavior.
Now I have to decide what to forget to remember it. 




8/12/2021 6:27 pm  #3

Re: Whiffling

... maybe they do it for funsies?  kinda looks like fun.  Why do dolphins leap from the water?  That looks like fun too, though catching a breath once in awhile prolly feels good too.

Be Just And Fear Not

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