I just lost my glasses with authentic Ray-Ban authentic lenses - the best with all the works they offer....sniff f...snifff. Didn't realized they're gone until I got home.
thread isn't long enough, I'd rather
OOOOOO a squirrel!!!
My cat is missing Haven't seen him since Ilet him out after breakfast on Friday. He's 14....
He knows where his food is and his box, so he will be back.
Very sorry monster. I'm well acquainted this sad situation. I hop he comes back home soon.
Still nothing. I'm pretty sure he wandered off because he felt the long sleep coming Which is honestly kind of what I hoped he would when the time came, but I didn't want the time to be yet
(or ever.....)
Clodfobble wrote:
Hope he wanders back soon.
me too ...but tonight was not the night for this black cat
today I searched the woods where a neighbor thought she saw him hunting yesterday, put up signs everywhere and filled in a lost animal report for the humane society (even though he is chipped so it's not technically necessary), and a friend who runs a lot and fosters cats for the Humane Soc came across town and did her run in the nearby 'hoods..but nothing. All the neighbors are on the lookout.....
Last edited by monster (10/31/2021 8:52 pm)
yesterday, I walked the area that is his territory banging a fork on a tin of cat food (the dinner call), calling his name. and put is all over the neighborhood facebook group.
Today I texted my friend and told her -the one who has the mother and a brother of my two. And she was a bit insensitive, so that didn't help. She was all : our life must be put on hold, you need to do this that and then just keep searching every inch until you find him or you die.....
Cats have done this ever since they domesticated us.
I had two dogs go missing as a kid.
It didn't really help when I later read "Call of the Wild."
At least your kitty is probably not hauling sleds in Alaska.
My thoughts are with you.
I just got off the phone with the va, I ran out of blood sugar test strips last week, and i called the pharmicy and they told me that they were on tier way. So i went to walgreens and bought some for cash. Today I called and they tell me that the perscription has been discontinued by my primary provider. so they are going to get the scrip redone, and I might get them next week. FUCK THE va!!!
There may be well organized VA clinics with competent staff.
They are going to get the scrip redone?
A private insurance provider would probably demand that you go to the physician and get a new scrip yourself.
fargon wrote:
I just got off the phone with the va, I ran out of blood sugar test strips last week, and i called the pharmicy and they told me that they were on tier way. So i went to walgreens and bought some for cash. Today I called and they tell me that the perscription has been discontinued by my primary provider. so they are going to get the scrip redone, and I might get them next week. FUCK THE va!!!
Same here. Haven't tested my BGL in almost two months. Medicaid said to tell my doc to re-scrip with a different meter and strips because they wouldn't cover my brand anymore. I went to Walmart to pay for some strips myself. $17 for 30 strips. No thanks.
Ask them what brands the do cover, several will give you the meter free to generate traffic for the strips.
I don't have metering and strips to manage my own old body shit. But I do have maintenance medications that require periodic renewals that can't be done by phone or paperwork. I have to go to the damn doctor. This I have done. Still, it's an ordeal. If my payment method isn't perfect-o or *insertrandomreasonhere* it's not fulfilled. The VA, I believe you. But it's not *JUST* the VA, it's dealing with the *insertverylongstringof colorfullanguagehere* insurance companies.
Not to wholly sidetrack the convo, I'll say just this. Health insurance should be regulated like utilities. Everybody needs them, unrestrained capitalism is the wrong framework for the good of everyone.
10yo Niece in UK tested + for teh C0vid. Her mom (Aunt Scary) is ....erm .... uber-paranoid, shall we say? I hope so much that Scary's reaction doesn't traumatize poor child. So far, so good (surprisingly), -Scary says she has created separate eating areas, so at least it seems niece isn't confined to her room...... but last year this woman quarantined not only their christmas tree for 72 hours, but also the car they brought it home in.
BigV wrote:
I don't have metering and strips to manage my own old body shit. But I do have maintenance medications that require periodic renewals that can't be done by phone or paperwork. I have to go to the damn doctor. This I have done. Still, it's an ordeal. If my payment method isn't perfect-o or *insertrandomreasonhere* it's not fulfilled. The VA, I believe you. But it's not *JUST* the VA, it's dealing with the *insertverylongstringof colorfullanguagehere* insurance companies.
Not to wholly sidetrack the convo, I'll say just this. Health insurance should be regulated like utilities. Everybody needs them, unrestrained capitalism is the wrong framework for the good of everyone.
Midway through "Open Enrollment" season. I fired my previous health insurance carrier, mostly fo rthis reason.
The ordeal of getting my medicines, all my medicines at a reasonable, finite window of time.. *sigh*... fuck'em. I fired them.
Twil has added me to the insurance offered by her employer. The cost is about a wash but at least I don't have to deal with fucking CVS Phamracy Mail Order. Fuck'em and the horse they road in on.
Last edited by BigV (11/15/2021 11:16 pm)
Each year I make a document to plan out our Christmas gifts--partly as a checklist to make sure we've covered everyone, and partly to make sure that the haul for each kid is relatively balanced against one another. I have them going all the way back to 2009, prior to which I lost all my data in some computer meltdown or another.
I just went to go start the new doc for 2021, and discovered... there isn't one for 2020. This is utterly baffling to me, a person who always makes and keeps her damn documents. I mean, yeah, it was a weird year and we were all quarantined and whatnot, but I know we had Christmas. I know we gave gifts to the kids. But it's almost like it didn't happen. I'm seriously tempted to get on my Amazon order history and look at what I bought in November/December last year, just to ease my mind that we didn't somehow skip the whole thing and the kids just didn't say anything.
Clodfobble wrote:
... just to ease my mind that we didn't somehow skip the whole thing and the kids just didn't say anything.
Ha ha ha, I'm willing to bet a very large sum of money that didn't happen.
My respite from unemployment is over. My seasonal job ends this week. I thought Friday was my last day, turns out the office manager thought it was today .... in the end it's Friday because she's out two days this week and hadn't really thought it through ...but more likely they felt bad for shit communication.
But I haven't found anything else. I admit to not looking so hard because ....well everyone needs a break, but I've still been looking and applying occasionally (to no avail). They kind of expect me to survive on unemployment for the next three months and then be back bright and shiny and ready to roll in an expendable fashion again in February. I think I have PTSD from unemployment. And I can't be staying in a job with no Bennies and no security. I want this crappy period of my life to be over. And I miss my shoulder to cry on and arms to snuggle in to. And I can't really share with my kids because they mostly still rely on me for financial support and worry and feel guilty about that if I let them know I'm unhappy and worried.
Someone should probably call a Waaaahmbulance.
I'm sorry, too, monster.
regarding your kids... they're old enough to see wth is happening, emotionally smart enough to care... Share with your kids, you'll benefit, they'll feel like they've given back, you'll model human vulnerability. Give them something to live up to; tender, feeling adulthood with actual sadness. You've raised them well. You know this. Include them. Spoiler--they already know.
I will STFU. Because I was raised well too and I respect and care for you too.