The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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10/31/2021 7:52 am  #1

October 31, 2021: Springfield USA

So many cities called Springfield.  Here is the most efficient way to travel through them all.

From some sort of clickbait site I found quite entertaining

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity  Amelia Earhart

10/31/2021 11:51 am  #2

Re: October 31, 2021: Springfield USA

I like that site and have saved it for future poking around.
Springfield MO had a bunch of helpful friendly folks when my car broke down there in 1965.
I was sorry to read recently that they have troubles now.


10/31/2021 1:33 pm  #3

Re: October 31, 2021: Springfield USA

I'm told I was born in one of those.  I can't say for sure, I was really young at the time.

Be Just And Fear Not

10/31/2021 8:30 pm  #4

Re: October 31, 2021: Springfield USA

Undertoad wrote:

It's sometimes debated which Springfield is The Simpsons' Springfield, but creator Matt Groening's home state is Oregon.

Yes, my first thought, no wonder they picked that name so common and yet there are a few states without one so plenty of wiggle-room.....  ...and so very blah because almost all states have on, but none really of note....

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity  Amelia Earhart
     Thread Starter

11/02/2021 2:39 am  #5

Re: October 31, 2021: Springfield USA

Christ, I've been through so many of them. Most I remember well here's another Springfield, but nothing about them.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

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