Efficiently exploring the cellar now requires knowing the current date, and being able to quickly determine how many days have passed since a previous date.
I’m not retired yet. But I have gotten rather blasé about the date. Maybe this will prompt me to pay better attention. ;)
I gotta look at my phone to know what the date is
Pete Zicato wrote:
Efficiently exploring the cellar now requires knowing the current date, and being able to quickly determine how many days have passed since a previous date.
Whutnow? I'm not following ya.
Which ain't saying a lot, I'm confused all the time, now. I can really feel it coming.
Pete Zicato wrote:
Efficiently exploring the cellar now requires knowing the current date, and being able to quickly determine how many days have passed since a previous date.
I’m not retired yet. But I have gotten rather blasé about the date. Maybe this will prompt me to pay better attention. ;)
That's not what I find ... When I am logged in on a PC on this page there are two things I can click to see what's been going on since my last visit: "active topics" at top right-ish, and "active topics" below the list of boards. YMMV.
Might be different ‘cause I’m on a phone.
Pete Zicato wrote:
Might be different ‘cause I’m on a phone.
how are you trying to explore? If you want the most recent stuff.... use the desktop version on your phone, hit index, then scroll to the bottom and hit show recent/active topics. then thank Flint (I think)