The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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11/29/2020 9:43 pm  #1

It's totally probably nothing.

I've had this sort of scaly patch on the back of my neck right where some important neck vertebra protrudes above my collar. I vaguely think there may have been a pimple there or maybe some rosacea - the kind that is more like a bump that exudes lymph or some other clear fluid - but it's been a while so I don't remember the origins. Anyway, I absentmindedly worry it throughout the day and it never seems to get better. Once it actually scabbed over and I switched to picking at the scab. Eventually I realized I had to keep my fucking hands off it if it was ever going to get better. So it's been a few weeks of me not badgering it. Tonight I asked squirell-o-mine to look at it and she said you need to see a doctor.
Chyeah, right.
She took a picture of it so I could see it and well, shit. it doesn't look like what I imagined it would look like it looks like the photos of squamous cell carcinoma. So in the morning I'm making an appointment with a dermatologist so they can peep it.

Prolly nothing but let's not fuck around.

Also I think someone stole a package from my porch.

Last edited by footfootfoot (11/29/2020 9:44 pm)

Hey! That's me up there!

11/29/2020 10:03 pm  #2

Re: It's totally probably nothing.

its just the beginning of a third arm or your embedder twin is coming out to say hi 


11/29/2020 11:18 pm  #3

Re: It's totally probably nothing.

Nice work on the not brushing it off. The not knowing is not a fun place to be, for sure.  But even if it is dodgy, chances are you will triumph, these things are mostly only seriously bad news if you don't do what you're doing.  Good luck.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity  Amelia Earhart

11/29/2020 11:18 pm  #4

Re: It's totally probably nothing.

....oh and thoughts and prayers.... ;)

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity  Amelia Earhart

11/30/2020 3:03 am  #5

Re: It's totally probably nothing.

I have a couple of dark irregular patches of skin on my cheek. I took ‘em to the doc and she said good work for coming in, it’s prolly nothing, but keep an eye on ‘em.
So I say the same to you. Good work, and good luck.

Living life on the edge.

11/30/2020 7:12 am  #6

Re: It's totally probably nothing.

Similar situation here but on the side of my head. It just kept flaking and getting irritated when I absent-mindedly picked at it. The dermatologist froze a few areas including one on the end of my nose. We got them early. Here's hoping you get yours done early, it's the price of living outdoors.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

11/30/2020 9:39 am  #7

Re: It's totally probably nothing.

Hoping for the best, please keep us updated.


11/30/2020 2:39 pm  #8

Re: It's totally probably nothing.

Thanks guys. I've got a call in to my doc.

Hey! That's me up there!
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