Stick to gas welding I guess.
PECO is only now doing what has been done successfully elsewhere in the nation. The resulting consumption of energy was signficant. Peer pressure is a powerful tool.
Go figure. What companies prosper by getting consumers to buy less of their product?
This ia a rare event where private industry all over the world is leading the charge. Doing what government once did (and should be doing) to advance mankind.
Last edited by tw (8/02/2021 8:18 am)
A flea just tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to embiggen the O.P., said it was too small to read.
I'm just bitching, Bruce. Post however works for ya, it's just a couple clicks to embiggen.
I also enlarged the tab with a couple ctrl+ taps. I'll reset it later.
BigV wrote:
I also enlarged the tab with a couple ctrl+ taps. I'll reset it later.
I'm not going to do that.
do it or don't
if you can't see it, you'll only see bigger nothing
absolutely reversible with CTRL and 0 (that's a zero)
tw wrote:
PECO is only now doing what has been done successfully elsewhere in the nation. The resulting consumption of energy was signficant. Peer pressure is a powerful tool.
I can see it backfiring at the block party or backyard BBQ.
My electric bill is bigger than yours neener neener neener.
Bullshit, I gobbled 2,000 kWh last month.
You only beat me because I blew out the transformer on the pole and had to use my generator for three days.
I'll give you 300 kWh and still beat your ass next month... and my truck only gets 2 mpg..
Use that truck to generate electricity. To become the neighborhood champion.
First get the neighborhood to buy and award trophies for the electric consumption champion. That put a cabinet in the living room to display those trophies.
It takes alot but we can still hide nowadays!!
Dude111 wrote:
It takes alot but we can still hide nowadays!!
Fear justifies many actions.
Undertoad wrote:
PECO says I consistently use a third more than my "neighbors", even pre-EV
My "neighbors" include the second largest mall in the world, which is there to sell $800 handbags. Its 2.9 million square feet is heated and cooled 24x7. When it's open at night, it's lit like a stadium.
I doubt the mall is a factor, my paper says 90 similar homes within a mile.
I got my second report and another smillie and beat the efficients by 22% and the piggys by 55%.
The fact my central A/C was down might have made a tiny difference.
So the car ran about $30 for the month.
I'd read the super chargers use 440 Volts but hadn't heard the difference in efficiency between the 110V and 220V home charging.