Probably less surfing than in the movie, I guess.
They didn't let us shoot at people. Although a Vietnam vet gunner had the gun seat
BigV wrote:
I've been on a few helicopter rides, but I don't remember any where the breeze whipped my hair back and forth whipped my hair back and forth.
Could be 'cause you ain't got none?
can't remember how to post pictures.
LOL. Maybe this one? It's not even a great picture.
<a href=' ' target='_blank'><img src=' ' border='0' alt='glatt-rfn-shop'/></a>
There you go. "hotlink for forums"
Diaphone Jim wrote:
About 50 years ago, I took a few dozen Huey rides. Door open and green outside just like that.
Warmer, and more humid, though, amirite?
TheNeverWas wrote:
Diaphone Jim wrote:
About 50 years ago, I took a few dozen Huey rides. Door open and green outside just like that.
Warmer, and more humid, though, amirite?
woulda been just like that here today....... 80F and 120% humidity at 8am. srsly
My favoritest RW quote from GMV: (ish)
"What's the weather like today?"
'Hot and Wet. That's nice if you're with a lady but ain't no good if you're in the jungle'
Better tidy up that shop someone might think you're getting stuff done!
Tioughnioga River in Marathon.
River! I wanna be on the river. Maybe I will go kayaking.....
Looking happy in your elements there, dudes :D
Driving for maybe 2-3 minutes on the Beltway today, I saw 5 cars with boats on the roofs, and 2 cars pulling boats. You all have the right idea.
glatt wrote:
Driving for maybe 2-3 minutes on the Beltway today, I saw 5 cars with boats on the roofs, and 2 cars pulling boats. You all have the right idea.
Did you turn on the radio to see if a tidal wave was coming?
The way things are in this country a Tsunami might be the break we need.
I don't know Griff, all the coverage of the aftermath of those waves show everything good is gone and what's left is covered with scum.
This weekend was our 11th anniversary. Yes, this *is* my happy face. If you look at the other face, you can clearly see why.
Last edited by BigV (10/07/2021 5:43 pm)
BigV wrote:
This weekend was our 11th anniversary. Yes, this *is* my happy face. If you look at the other face, you can clearly see why.
Image not showing to me, BigV. Nor in the other thread.
Nothing here either.
No picture.
Well, dang.
I have made some changes, please refresh the page and tell me if you can now see the picture.
I know what I did differently, and I won't repeat that failed shortcut again. But I can't do all I want to do from the phone on the ferry. More later when I get home to a computer.
Just refreshed the page and no pix.
Nor here.
Finally able to get to a computer to correct my error.
Can you see me now? Better question, can you see Twil?