Reddy Kilowatt is the most recognizable mascot out there, he's as well known as Mickey Mouse as he's been used by every electric utility since forever. When I was showing cattle at 4-H fairs there would be a trailer with a small billboard of Reddy and the name of the fair. A guy with a polaroid camera would take pictures of the kids with their animals and ribbons in front of Reddy. My mother had a stack of them. Hmm, when she gave me a Robert Hall suit box full of photos she couldn't bear to trash knowing I would do it, none of those polaroids were in there.
That's nice but what the hell does Reddy Kilowatt have to do with parenting and relationships?
Coloring book!
Being sponsored by the electric utilities they couldn't pass up a chance to brain wash the rug rats.
But they were gentle.
In several Reddy pics, it looks like he is glad to see someone.
We used to get all this stuff at the Rural Electric Picnic every year. They'd also blow shit up with high voltage which I confess was cool as hell.