which is conveniently a Sunday. Summer solstice in the Northern hemisphere. Exact time TBA by our most gracious host Comrade Limey of The Slate Pools. Comment away ....let us know if you plan to show......... will the Cellar Band be jammin'? :D (yes I know musical collaboration is not so good on Zoom.....)
Sign me up!
Deets will be as usual.
PM me for them if'n you've forgotten or whatever.
Time to be announced when I know what the weather is doing but late afternoon-ish for you colonials I think.
prolly early afternoonish for them weird westcoasters -they're like UK -8 or something similarly uncivilized
I can go earlier than 4PM, so the people in the UK don't have to stay up past their bedtime. On a school nite.
If the weather is nice enough to make it worth it I may broadcast sunset from our little hilltop, which would be around 10.30pm our time (one hour earlier than GMT/UTC).
That's IF .... confirmation nearer the time.
Just a wee nudge now it's only just over a week away...... Don't be shy, we don't bite ....because it's virtual! Make sure you can find the deets or ask Limey, put it in your calendars....... you don't have to be on camera if you really don't want to but it's not so bad ....vintage dwellars might remember I never used to post a pic of me where you could even see my eyes.......
yes yes yes, ok, yes. Not the calendar of course, because, duh,
anyway, I'm in.
please mention here if you've contacted currently inactive dwellars who might want to join (or just PM me or Limey if you want to be a tad more discrete), so we don't bombard them... Lola. Wolf... ya know.... ...or if there are those you'd like to hear from but aren't in contact with but someone else may be.......
bumpety bump, bumpety bump.... 2 days.......... someone tell Lola B, please?
Imma feeling lazy and the weather looks ornery so we’ll be indoors, or outdoors, but at Chateau Limey.
Start time will be the usual 9pm British Summer Time which, as Carruthers so kindly pointed out in a private message to me is one hour LATER than GMT/UTC.
You all know the drill. Message me for the deets but they’ve not changed since last time.
Have messaged Wolf and Lolabunny
Thanks for letting me know. Googling still got me the wrong answer last time, so could someone tell me what the eastern time would be for the meeting?Thanks mucho!
4pm EST I think.
It will be 4pm here in Michigan which is in Eastern Daylight Time
Limey wrote:
Imma feeling lazy and the weather looks ornery so we’ll be indoors, or outdoors, but at Chateau Limey.
Start time will be the usual 9pm British Summer Time which, as Carruthers so kindly pointed out in a private message to me is one hour LATER than GMT/UTC.
You all know the drill. Message me for the deets but they’ve not changed since last time.
The West is the best -- Jim Morrison
Thanks! I won't get out of work until 5:30. Ill.message someone when I get home in case the meeting is still going on.
22 Sep 2021 for the next solstice, right? the start of autumn?
I think we usually go at the weekend nearest if Limey is still up for hostingness
also my birthday. ish ;)
Equinox. It'd better be the weekend before as I'm GOING AWAY TO PLAY MUSIC WITH OTHER PEOPLE the weekend after.
Sunday 19th September, at 9pm BST (British Summer Time). Time zone converter here.
stop press : date may change ... watch this space
^^^^pretend those are eyeballs watching this space