Am i all alone? What ever shall I do?
Hey brother
I'm here.
It's quiet today. How are you doing? I haven't checked the calendar, what is the status of your hospital trip?
is back to school time for anyone with sprogs under 23ish. with added covid effect. We're all beating our heads against brick walls and such.....
....i can't even remember if I've had time to stop here and whine about the saga, but here's how it is........
Son #1 moved back home because he need to take a 5th year to complete his Mech Eng bachelors because..... yeah.
Son #2 left it to the last minute and beyond (despite gentle reminders through downright nagging encompassing all stages in between etc....) to get himself back to college after a covid-and-other-things troubled second freshman semester followed by taking a year out to grow the fuck up (etc)
by last minute we're talking confirmed last week. So then we have to deal with getting him there because his college is commuter, a 45 minute drive, and he hasn't driven since e killed my minivan 18 months ago with back-to-back serious at fault crashes and I haven't replaced said car either.
Now is the worst time to buy a car ever,,,,,,
So son #1 (WHO ROCKS THIS WORLD when he's not fucking up enough to need a 5th year) spent this week finding a car for #2 ...and then teaching him to drive stick in 2 days -a task I abandoned a couple of years ago because life is more precious. ...and will help son #2 make the maidn journey to school tomorrow
wait what was the question? And can I get fries with that?
.....oh yeah, my pool also asked my to organize a fun swim meet to commemorate their 60th season this Saturday and like a sucker i agreed and then the support to promote it is kinda lame......
.....and my job is crazy busy right now because we're trying to schedule 4,000 customers to get their irrigation shut down before the first freeze comes to truly fuck up their system with only three truly competent and two newbie techs (who can do 8-11ish shutdowns each per day) ....and people who can afford our services are just a tint bit on the entitled side.... and the richer they are, the bigger their system and the bigger spot in the schedule we need so the harder it is to schedule after they finally realize our mind-reading skillz are not up to their expectations.....
Wait, what was the question?
skipping straight through to the stick shift....
the maximum cost here is another clutch replacement. Which I've done in the driveway over a weekend for a few hundred bucks. Really, max. aaaaaanyhow. this is a necessary skill and everybody who learns it has to subtract some miles from a working clutch. For my BelovedDaughter, *happy birthday sweetheart*, we bought her a VW Golf when she was in high school. The Golf had a four speed and a ... very mature clutch over its 70k miles. She learned to drive a stick shift on that car. Having an already very soft clutch and a stone cold beginner was a great advantage. She could just dump the clutch and the car would sag and groan and glide through the intersection.
Side note, this is the only car I loved so much I bought it twice. Chapter two in a different post.
Your sons are gonna be OK. But you might want to put "new clutch" on your near to mid term calendar.
Congrats on your whole fucking brood. Two sons and a graduate daughter. Seriously, well done monster.
Well done.
We all drive stick. Except him. because. We have an expert mechanic on board. This si really not the main problem, although teaching him to drive stick without a death in the family is quite an achievement.
My car is stick. exArchPoloGrls car is stick..... we'd have taught him already if it was a sensible goal before now. But auto cars are selling for over the asking price within 15 minutes here. We're hoping driving stick will keep him focused so he doesn't get distracted and CRASH THE MOTHERFUCKER
Pete and I are still working, she at home me out in it. Lil Pete and her guy just closed on their construction loan, hole will be dug! Lil Griff's dream job turns out not to have an administrator because of infighting. She didn't even have a room, student files, or a curriculum until she pushed the issue herself. Her fellow teachers and teaching assistant have been a serious blessing.
I'm here. Tootling along working from home and playing with Carrot in between calls
Unfortunately, I spend so much of my working day focused on the computer screen, reading claim files and reports and writing claim reviews and emails that most days when I log off the laptop the idea of reading and/or posting isn't fun- I do try to read a few threads though, mainly at lunch time.
Quick update on other shit in my life:
- The two Js are looking to leave Vietnam and hoping to move to Portugal in the next few months (hurrah - happy at the thought of them being back in Europe, but sad that their Vietnam experience has been so tainted by the loss of the dogs)
- less happy development: a few weeks ago my older brother had some sort of breakdown - full on manic episode, very worrying. Mental health team were involved but fortunately it wasn't necessary for him to be admitted . They have been visiting him at home instead. He's calmed down an awfu lot but he is still not himself.
It's been quite destabilizing because my brother has always been the emotionally and mentally strong one in the family: very artistic but also super pragmatic and capable and was a trained NLP counselor back in the day. Seeing him in that state and even now when that edge comes in it is really disturbing.
I think he's going to be ok - but it's taking a while.
Other than that all is peachy
I have taught several young folks how to "drive" a stick.
In watching them and others who already knew, I am bothered that how to shift gears with a clutch does not often seem to involve knowing when to shift gears to maximize the efficiency and longevity of the engine and how to preserve the whole driveline while doing so.
If one is not interested in learning those skills and/or doesn't have anyone to teach them, then an auto trans is for them.
Diaphone Jim wrote:
I have taught several young folks how to "drive" a stick.
In watching them and others who already knew, I am bothered that how to shift gears with a clutch does not often seem to involve knowing when to shift gears to maximize the efficiency and longevity of the engine and how to preserve the whole driveline while doing so.
If one is not interested in learning those skills and/or doesn't have anyone to teach them, then an auto trans is for them.
Yeah our recent cars have had a little box or the car to "suggest" what gear you should be using. Seems kind of pointless to me. If you need to be told what gear you should be in, y'ain't doing it right, might as well let the car do it. The minivans were all automatic. Drove me nuts..nutser.