The last 4 years have been hard on me and some say the preceding 8 were hard on them. Things are a damn divisive mess. I noticed today that the Dodgers won the World Series. My Uncle has followed them his whole life and West Coast baseball provided a reason not to sleep with PTSD. He apparently couldn't watch or enjoy the victory because a player knelt. Kneeling is now disrespectful. I'm going to try to take notice when politics steals pieces of my joy and decide if it's necessary.
Good plan, griff!
It's only disrespectful if it's not on someone's neck.
I suspect getting annoyed about such things is the new "get off my lawn". I find "politics" can also perhaps help a little in that you can stop fretting about how awful a human being a person is by allowing that their behavior might be fueled by a blinkered following of a political doctrine. Somehow that can make it easier to move on/away from wondering how to fix them and be happier?
The kicker is I'll bet dollars to donuts he wouldn't have thought a damn thing about it if somebody hadn't told him that taking a knee was a bad thing. It's always been a sign of respect until somebody decided it isn't anymore.