bbro's hole under the mirror...
tw said, " What is that flat, smooth metal edge on the right side of the hole? Rest of that approximately 2.5 inch wide hole has plaster covering the box's left metal edge. In part because the box was not properly mounted (mounted too deep). And a plaster repair job was sloopy.
Hole appears to be is a correct width. Edge appears to be a correct thickness to be a steel electric box. With a hole originally punched into the wall that is larger (necessary) to install an electric box. If an electric box, then hole would be at least 4" high.
From everything pictured, that is a steel electric box, mounted slightly too deep, and partially covered by plaster.."
"2.5 inch wide hole"? "left metal edge"? How deep?
Last edited by xoxoxoBruce (9/12/2021 11:56 pm)
Yeah... I almost strained my eyeroll muscles reading that part. It's speculation pronounced with a thick accent of smug certainty... ew.
Aaaaanyhow. Sure, it might be an electrical box. But the troll voice is very effective, and I hate it.
Could also be an old plumbing fixture that was mounted high and replaced.
I once moved into a house that had maybe a half-dozen holes in the walls. None of them were from shoddy construction or DIY projects--they were all from the violent dude who used to live there and punch walls.
Yeah, could be an accidental or nutjob punch in the wall.