As we enter a likely time of the SC being out of step with public opinion, I'm interested in how out of step?
We're fucked.
The thread is anticipatory not analytical, people are voting based on expectation. This will be a good place to watch.
As I understand it the Constitution says Congress makes the laws, all the laws, only Congress.
If somebody objects to a law the Supremes are there to decide if it's a valid objection, if it violates something dictated by the Constitution, or clashes with some other law. How the fuck are they allowed to cancel a law because they don't like what it does? Why doesn't it take an act of Congress to rescind a law they passed?
Define correct, that's where the rub is. I would say do what's legal, but that doesn't quite define it either.
I think we're into Politics as religion here.
personally i really don't like that an unelected superlegislature-for-life gets to decide whether or not i have rights
I'm not a fan of the stacked court.
griff wrote:
I think we're into Politics as religion here.
More accurately, religion imposed on everyone else by subverting politics.
Most all Supreme Court justices are Catholics. So the Pope will tell us what to think.
fargon wrote:
I'm not a fan of the stacked court.
Isn't that a misogynist comment?
"Stacking" the Supreme Court may be the only solution to the perfect storm of factors that have made it a political tool of the far right.
The worst of those factors, of course, was the opportunity that the worst president in history had to name three justices.
With the shameless collusion of a derelict majority in the Senate, we are stuck with them.
While the lifetime appointment may be in the constitution, the size of the court is not.
Packing the court works, if you're prepared for 30 years of squabbling.
As opposed to?
How many states passed laws making it legal to run over protestors with your car?
Can the squabbling really get much worse than that??