It's nice to see him smiling. I had a hunch about him as an adult, and all the past tense language seemed strange, so I checked him out on Wikipedia. As an adult, he just wants people to leave him alone and stop expecting so much from him.
See how smart he is, he finds people annoying. Can't get smarter than that.
If you want to inspire them, and teach them a valuable lesson, sit them down to watch this video.
It's an hour long BBC production but I don't think they'll want to quit until the end.
It's about a man who hatched out and lived with a flock of wild turkeys for two years.
I personally guarantee you 'll enjoy it or double your money back...
Back around the first one, WW I, American kids were wandering in circles because of the Spanish flu killing off their friends and family, or friends going into the military and not heard of again. They were spooked and lost, quite aimless with some folks feeling they needed leadership and rules to guide them.
So as always an adult stepped in to slap the... er, uh, I mean lend a hand...
1917 ~ 10 laws of right living for children:
1- The welfare of our country depends upon those who try to be physically fit for their daily work.
2- Those who best control themselves can best serve their country.
3- Self-conceit is silly, but self-reliance is necessary to boys and girls who would be strong and useful.
4- Our country grows great and good as her citizens are able more fully to trust each other.
5- Clean play increases and trains one’s strength, and helps one to be more useful to one’s country.
6- The shirker or the willing idler lives upon the labor of others, burdens others with the work which he ought to do himself. He harms his fellow citizens, and so harms his country.
7- The welfare of our country depends upon those who have learned to do in the right way the things that ought to be done.
8- One man alone could not build a city or a great railroad. One man alone would find it hard to build a house or a bridge. That I may have bread, men have sowed and reaped, men have made plows and threshers, men have built mills and mined coal, men have made stoves and kept stores. As we learn better how to work together, the welfare of our country is advanced.
9- In America those who are of different races, colors and conditions must live together. We are of many different sorts, but we are one great people. Every unkindness hurts the common life, every kindness helps the common life.
10- If our America is to become ever greater and better, her citizens must be loyal, devotedly faithful, in every relation of life.
WTF, the preview shows the list all neat with the points numbered???
Had to erase all that and submit it unformated then add numbers... weird.
Last edited by xoxoxoBruce (12/04/2021 10:37 pm)