Bit coin is fucking bullshit.
A bitcoin operation in central New York has taken over a power plant to find cheap energy for currency mining in a move that has alarmed environmentalists
One of the big problems with steam generation power plants, regardless of their fuel, is cycling the turbines on for morning and evening peaks and could usually keep them busy during the day but at night there just wasn't enough demand. We used to be able to buy discount power or they came up with schemes like using the excess power to run huge pumps used to pump water up into a holding pond(lake) where it would be used to run water turbines during the day. A night time consumer like data farms are a dream come true for steam plants. The fly in the ointment is the data farms want to run 24/7.
I'm sad when plants like Boardman OR get shut down long before their lifespan because of regulations and zealots.
And you know what, that unused lifespan doesn't cost the state or the power company, it costs the consumer. But hey, what's $50 million here or $200 million there.
xoxoxoBruce wrote:
I'm sad when plants like Boardman OR get shut down long before their lifespan because of regulations and zealots.
How many perfectly good mobile phones are disposed daily? So many in one day to create a pile larger than a McMansion. All hardware perfectly functional for the next ten years. All featuring some of the greatest advances in technology even seen. But the average mobile phone life expectancy is only 18 months. Because the technology is obsolete.
Unfortunately is does not matter how good or functional it is. It is obsolete. So it must be trashed. That, unfortunately, is how the world works. And why mankind advances.
Bitcoin was a great advancement. And now an obsolete technology. It cannot do what it was promising. But then so many get so emotionally attached to obsolete or inferior technologies. Retro.
Vinyl records, CRT video screens, and 1957 Chevys are interesting. And still work just fine (ie in Cuba). Museum pieces. Meanwhile societies that advance mankind move on.
Last edited by tw (10/19/2021 9:20 am)
You mean people using an iphone 10 are holding up advancement and the ones with an Iphone 14 are moving society forward?
That depends on finding a buyer. Will you be able to sell it for cash money?
What can you buy with bitcoins besides Teslas and art that you own but everyone can access?
I don't think the supermarket, gas station, drug store, or any other place I need money accepts them.
If you have the computer power you can mine bitcoins by solving puzzles, who creates these puzzles?
It sounds like a huge scam feeding on itself with irrational exuberance, but that may be because of my ignorance about the intricacies, nuances, and details.
xoxoxoBruce wrote:
I don't think the supermarket, gas station, drug store, or any other place I need money accepts them.
In theory, you can in El Salvador.
El Salvador?!
Hell, don't they still accept live chickens for gov't debt?
xoxoxoBruce wrote:
It sounds like a huge scam feeding on itself with irrational exuberance, but that may be because of my ignorance about the intricacies, nuances, and details.
You are Alan Greenspan and I claim my $5!
Carruthers wrote:
xoxoxoBruce wrote:
It sounds like a huge scam feeding on itself with irrational exuberance, but that may be because of my ignorance about the intricacies, nuances, and details.
You are Alan Greenspan and I claim my $5!
I am? Hmm... Andrea Mitchell... OK.
I stopped at the Sunoco station for gas today and there was an 8 ft chain link fence around the pumps and the building dark, so I had to go all the way to the British Petroleum station across the street. There was a sign on the front door very similar to this one.
the local coinstar kiosk in Safeway advertises that you can redeem your change for BitCoin.
Since one bitcoin is a trillion dollars or something that's a lot of coins to haul in, plus around here the coinstars are skimming 12%, so how do you get paid?
xoxoxoBruce wrote:
Since one bitcoin is a trillion dollars or something that's a lot of coins to haul in, plus around here the coinstars are skimming 12%, so how do you get paid?
You get bitcoin transferred into a bitcoin wallet.
What I want to see is "SELL BITCOIN HERE".
Last edited by Happy Monkey (11/11/2021 12:47 pm)