The killers of Ahmaud Arbery found guilty of murder, other charges, and facing life in prison. I honestly thought they were going to get off, and cement that "white guys threatening, then killing people with guns is legal to do now"
Still, though, if you're going to a protest and a guy points a gun at you, you've got to perform some elaborate, specific response to that situation or else he's allowed to carry out the shooting he's threatening to do.
Jogging in a neighborhood, you're fine. At a protest, murder is legal. Good luck everyone!
Sorry to bring it here, but I don't want to say anything at work. I don't want to know which one of my co-workers thought that chasing a black guy down in a truck and shooting him to death was justified.
watch out for that tree
Flint wrote:
Still, though, if you're going to a protest and a guy points a gun at you, you've got to perform some elaborate, specific response to that situation or else he's allowed to carry out the shooting he's threatening to do.
I don't think the legal definitions have caught up to reality yet. Self-defense makes sense in a concealed carry world, but open carry changes that. If you open carry in a public space you are intimidating people. You may claim that you are carrying an AR for self defense but you will be perceived as intimidating. Somebody smarter than me needs to train people in a sensible response when confronted with a dumb guy with a gun who thinks he's a good guy with a gun.
griff wrote:
If you open carry in a public space you are intimidating people. You may claim that you are carrying an AR for self defense but you will be perceived as intimidating..
What a can of worms. There's a horrible convergence of social conditions resulting in people carrying guns in the streets, for various reasons. On a scale from good/noble, misguided, to malicious--but which are which? Think fast! Maybe super-patriot is low-key staking out the location of people they have disagreements with, flashing a "Rambo" looking firearm, for arguably 100% intimidation purposes. If someone did this to you, how could they be doing it in self-defense? This defies all attempts at logic, and this "debate" gives me deep, grave concerns (literally) for our civil society.
"by word or conduct the person intentionally attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious physical injury" --it's a crime that requires reading someone's mind. If you give them the benefit of the doubt, it's not a crime. If you are sympathetic to their stated reasons, it's not a crime. This is all academic, by the way, because if the police don't protect you from harassment and intimidation--for any reason, or for no reason, it's not a crime.
The elephant in the room is-- if the suspected perpetrator and the local police look, think, act and vote the same way, go to the same church, the same shooting range, and share an equal contempt for the alleged victims, it's definitely not a crime. So it has been, and probably will always be. It's human nature.
Last edited by Flint (11/24/2021 11:29 pm)
This is all academic, by the way, because if the police don't protect you from harassment and intimidation--for any reason, or for no reason, it's not a crime.
I don't need to conjecture what the reasons are, I'm simply observing life in a rural, "purple" county.
Undertoad wrote:
... so they indicted the former prosecutor in the Arbery case
There should be plenty of guilty parties here. A lady cop interviewed the shooters while Arbery lay dying on the pavement. No effort was made to help him or obtain medical assistance.
Racism is a classic example of an adult making decisions only using emotions. Many adult children were involved.
Last edited by tw (11/25/2021 10:49 am)