yes, they already know. They were the first and only people I told when I suddenly learned that today was it. what they don't need is any more guilt to feel. Or any more stress. They're coming up to finals at college, they're trying to make their own way on the world. I rely on them more than I want to. They lost their dad. they all feel a need to do him proud and step into his shoes but at the same time, doing so reminds them of the gaping hole in their lives. They know how hard I work to try and do all the things and they feel bad about that too (well 66.6% of them do.... They know, and it makes them feel like shit. I am not piling more on. That's what you guys are for.
I want them to keep dreaming, keep reaching for the stars and not stop trying because they're worried about the security net. There's plenty of time for them to worry about and look out for me when all my dodgy joints need replacing and they are CEO of the moon. And i'm not stony broke. I just don't FEEL secure.