The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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12/16/2021 12:16 am  #1

The General

10 years ago NationalGeographic set out to photograph The General, reportedly the world's 2nd tallest tree, although I've read it's now third.
It's a biggie anyway, hard to photograph without lots of distortion.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

12/16/2021 12:50 pm  #2

Re: The General

Big trees, small seeds.  The cm scale is about an inch, seeds are about pinhead size.
I'm working on a relative sequoia seed/tree to human sperm and egg/body sizes; join in if you care to.


12/16/2021 7:43 pm  #3

Re: The General

We have some pretty big trees around here... minor leagues relative to the pros up there...  Wow.

Be Just And Fear Not

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