An opinion, and we know what that's worth.
The reason it's been easy to convince a big chunk of Americans the government is the enemy..
Watching a live broadcast by the Washington Post of Carl Bernstein taking viewers questions through a moderator Carol Leonnig. Of course most of his answers were largely opinions along with observations and memories. One question from a Canadian stumped him, “Why are so many Americans against their own government?”.
You get up in the morning and shower with soap/shampoo/toothpaste that won’t melt you, eat breakfast with coffee/tea without a second thought, walk out the door without looking up/down the street and behind the bushes. You get in your trusty car and drive to work. Your day to day routine is boring because of the government we take for granted.
Then we hear the breakfast bacon is recalled for chemicals, there is lead in the coffee/tea water, a neighbor was mugged, and your tires aren’t safe. All those bad things are because the federal, state, or local government failed, everything bad, even just annoying is the government’s fault.
The pig farmer is struggling to pay all the taxes and health inspections the government crushes him with. Last year was good, made enough to pay his taxes, the vet for his pigs, and buy a new truck. He thanked the Lord and Mother Nature. Now a bacon recall because of the drugs he fed the pigs to stay competitive are bad for children and other living things. Damn government.
If your dog goes exploring and the warden brings him home safe that’s the warden doing his job.
But if he hands you a citation with a fine, that’s the damn government oppressing your freedoms.
Tire maker forced to make safer tires, ho hum, probably go get a beer when that comes on the news.
But when your tires won’t pass safety inspection the damn government is trampling your rights.
Seems the prime function of government is so we always have someone to blame.
That's just my opinion, if you have a different opinion... you're wrong, you commie / nazi. bastard.
That's a part of it.
Modern distrust or government really started to get legitimized with famous leaks like the Pentagon Papers, right? Taking a look at what's behind the veil.. so what else could they be doing? Spying on our every phone call, listening for key words and putting us on secret lists? Bingo, they actually were doing that all along, from a massive, secret data center.
Whatever we believed, in the 80s, were urban legends about the government, mostly turned out to be true. Once we got the internet and could verify sources and determine true facts, most urban legends focused on a nefarious government quietly phased into being real things that definitely happened.
"The CIA pushed crack cocaine into the ghettos," was an appealing myth, but could it be true? Some investigative reporting on the topic was getting lots of press, unfortunately the reporter committed suicide by shooting himself in the head, twice. The Panama Papers showed mountains of proof, of things that weren't surprising to anyone. Then the reporter got car bombed, which wasn't surprising to anyone.
People who leak the truth become enemies of the state, thrown in the slammer or hiding out in foreign countries, for the crime of casting aspersions against a moral authority who holds the monopoly on justified violence.
Some people know too much. Epstein, you know, "hangs himself" and nobody is surprised. He had lots of friends.
You can't trust 'em, and they won't even make an effort to protect you from a clear an present danger, not even when you're begging for your life. They'll throw you right into the sausage grinder. Whatever track record of doing good deeds they've ever had, it's been wiped-- by their indifference, recklessness, and frankly outright malice We're fighting over the culture wars that elections are marketed towards, while the pro-business stranglehold on our democratic government has quietly and completely ruined any chance of competition. The deck is so stacked that when someone says the deck is stacked, they stack the deck against them and then stack the deck so that nobody can even say it anymore.
Also, you know, the human-habitable world is 100% doomed and we're doing jack sh!t. Well, we are doing something-- ramping up anti-immigrant measures, as a practice run for the inevitable wave of climate migrants.
Last edited by Flint (1/19/2022 8:32 pm)
Flint wrote:
Whatever we believed, in the 80s, were urban legends about the government, mostly turned out to be true.
Which is what the emotional types do. Forget the 99 other events that were not true. Remembered only the one that inspired the emotional brain - the brain of a child.
Most of government does quite good. But it is the exceptions that only get cited (and remembered) when one is emotions - not logical.
Gvoernment clearly and repeatedly said cigarettes kill. What did the emotion do? Believed the conspiracy - that smoking increases health. Somehow even that is government being evil. No logic to it. But then logic is not used when one is emotional. Hitler also knew who to target to obtain power.
Last edited by tw (1/20/2022 10:57 am)
The Government saying cigarettes are a health risk is the Government being evil would only be said by someone with a financial stake in the tobacco industry. That's a problem I called out in my post, tw.
the pro-business stranglehold on our democratic government has quietly and completely ruined any chance of competition
It's about money. When the government regulates something in a way that someone might lose money, the anti-government propaganda machine stirs up a big hullabaloo that gullible cranks fall for.
I'd have thought a logical person could use critical thinking to spot the difference between fake conspiracies and real ones (proven to be true, e.g. the government is spying on private citizens)
Last edited by Flint (1/20/2022 1:12 pm)
Flint wrote:
I'd have thought a logical person could use critical thinking to spot the difference between fake conspiracies and real ones
And so we quote an example of an evil person in government. Cheney said (to justify the disaster called Mission Accomplished) that Reagan proved deficits don't matter. Most of government is there to and attempt to do good things. And then some of us are so dumb as to elect into office evil ones who subvert good work - such as Cheney.
He was not a moderate. So one knows he will only corrupt government. Massacre 5000 American servicemen for no purpose. Only extremist say he was good for government. And America.
Undertoad wrote:
through modern adult logic we now know that distrust of government produces Fascism
and blindly believing the government is correct produces Liberalism
And then we have the patriotic Americans. They learn facts long before making a conclusion. Who do not use a penis mentality (also called the brain of a child) to know what is good or righteous. Adult logic exist in moderates. Not in left and right wing 'adults who are still children'.
tw wrote:
Flint wrote:
I'd have thought a logical person could use critical thinking to spot the difference between fake conspiracies and real ones
And so we quote an example of an evil person in government. Cheney said (to justify the disaster called Mission Accomplished) that Reagan proved deficits don't matter. Most of government is there to and attempt to do good things. And then some of us are so dumb as to elect into office evil ones who subvert good work - such as Cheney.
He was not a moderate. So one knows he will only corrupt government. Massacre 5000 American servicemen for no purpose. Only extremist say he was good for government. And America.
Flint wrote:
Only an extremist would ignore massive deficits created by lying extremist using tax cuts. And extremist logic: Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. Only extremists would massacre 5000 American servicemen for no purpose. And then both suffer and deny military defeats as a result.
Many paragraphs are necessary to understand reality. Too complicated for extremists. Who cannot even post a grammatically correct sentence. Let alone ask an honest question.
tw wrote:
Flint wrote:
Only an extremist would ignore massive deficits created by lying extremist using tax cuts. And extremist logic: Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. Only extremists would massacre 5000 American servicemen for no purpose. And then both suffer and deny military defeats as a result.
Many paragraphs are necessary to understand reality. Too complicated for extremists. Who cannot even post a grammatically correct sentence. Let alone ask an honest question.
yeah, ok boomer, but it's not all about you.
The problem with our system is congress sees widget makers and sellers abusing people.
Congress passes a law creating the Federal Bureau of Widget Education and Widget Emancipation.
They vote to fund FB-WEWE, congratulate each other on a job well done and take two weeks off.
During that two weeks 69 widget lobbyists move into the city, immediately working on getting unelected widget friendly bureaucrats appointed to the group who write the actual widget rules.
Rules the congress critters never see become law.
To administer the Widget justice regional and branch offices established and staffed with hundreds, maybe thousands of people.
AT the Northeast region branch office in Boston, Melvyn goes into get a Widget permit for his 4 generation family business to continue.
Chaz behind the counter says No, while thinking to himself fuck you melvyn you took the girl I was secretly in love with to the Jr Prom.
Petty, but that No carries the weight of Federal Law (genuflect).
Clueless Melvyn walks out muttering about the goddamn government.
People are people and will always bring their personal feelings, religion, and social status baggage to the job.
The career clerk who won't issue a marriage licence because of her religious values.
These offices are often little fiefdoms and when they're dealing with manufacturers and distributors we the people aren't even aware of them.
Meanwhile the congress critters are bragging how they fixed the problem by creating FBWEWE.
The alternative is--
Widget makers are abusing people. There's no congress to care about it, as we're living in a capitalist utopia. The widget makers establish absolute dominance over society. The sons of widget makers can rape the daughters of regular non-widget commoners, with impunity. The only police that exist are there to protect the property of our widget overlords.With time, their hegemony allows them to control not only life and death, but information itself. Non-widget underlings do not remember a time before they lived under the boot of the shadowy widget god-kings, whose existence has vanished nearly into legend.
That's what 99% of human history has consisted of, and to the degree we're not quite there yet, we're trying as hard as we can to get back to that point.
with apologies to Aesop...
the house dog and the wolf
(a house dog and wolf, havin' become friendly some time earlier, occasionally cross paths...)
hey, goes it?
oh, wolf, good to see goes not so
i'm's winter, it's cold, and meat is is what it is...even so, I'm what's goin' on with you?
well, my leash is too tight, my chain too short, my master is being stingy with the table scraps, and the hearth is cold too many nights
well, listen,'re not on the leash now...come with me into the woods
and do what?
live, hunt, be free
I'll die out there!
no offense, guy, but you're dead right now
moral: the worst slavery is the one you refuse to end when the opportunity arises
another moral: to accept a certain slavery for fear of an uncertain freedom is a self-imposed death sentence
this was not the analogy you were looking for
yes, it was
the wolf will die of starvation, injury, or being preyed upon and sometimes eaten alive by other animals
on his own terms
dog will die from inoperable tumors or etc after *a long, happy life.
*a long life of cringing servitude
it turns out **compromise with the humans was a ***fabulous deal, ****try it
***a coward's deal
Last edited by henry_quirk (1/23/2022 2:40 pm)
as I say: to accept a certain slavery for fear of an uncertain freedom is a self-imposed death sentence
here's a 🌹for your grave
shrieking in leg-flailing agony as your intestines spray bright-red, oxygenated lifeblood across the sneering snout of some rando predator, to own the Libs
to own the Libs
I'm sorry but you, er, I mean, they don't mean anything to me
that left vs right bullshit: that's your tumor, not mine
being eaten alive
everything dies: you wanna linger, no matter the price, get et slow-like
as you like: ain't no skin offa my scrotum
with his dying breath, "I'd rather die suckin' the dick of my corpo-fascist overlords than consider for one moment that I've been played for the world's biggest chump!"
Undertoad wrote:
renegotiation starts on the first bite, when the deal reveals itself
but once you're being et, there is no renegotiation. the deal is complete
too highfalutin for me: house dog thinkin'
I'll stick to the woods
Flint wrote:
I'd rather die suckin' dick
yeah, I know you would
next time: just call me nazi and be done with it