One of the county initiatives on the ballot was to disallow local law enforcement from using county funds to enforce state and federal firearm regulations. If this goes through, my area will effectively have no firearm regulations. That's great. Just what we needed.
And while, on one hand we haven't had anything happen here but peaceful, organized protests for racial justice (and issue which a majority of Americans support), wherein no roads were blocked, no property destroyed, nothing but peacefully standing by the side of the road with signs which some people disagree with. The response has been: MAGA crowds show up on the other side of the road armed-to-the-teeth, with itchy trigger fingers, ready to patriotically respond to the terrorist/Antifa threat--that exists only in their imagination--with lethal force. And if there are no targets, while they are prepared for a target they believe exists, then who are the targets? The peaceful protestors. We stand peacefully and carry signs they don't like, so they threaten to shoot us, because they're the good guys. AND NOW they don't even want to obey existing gun laws. Why? What reason do you need to pose MORE of a threat than you already do? Having guns and shooting people you disagree with is not a legitimate political affiliation--that's called terrorism.
Luckily we vote by mail here, so armed militias at polling sites won't be the issue that everywhere else will have.
Last edited by Flint (10/29/2020 3:58 pm)
If Trump loses the election, every day between Nov. 3rd and Jan. 20th could be the day that my friends, family, or loved ones are gunned down, run over, or any number of other direct threats that the MAGA crowd has literally explicitly stated is their intention. Local law enforcement says it's just tough talk, simply ignore them and get on with your life. But the threat doesn't just go away when you ignore it.
Last edited by Flint (10/29/2020 4:03 pm)
Statistics says that is the day the nation runs out of bullets - because Trump refuses to issue any directives under the Federal Defense Procurement Act - for anything.
there's no reason for it to stop on Jan. 20th, I'm just eating the elephant one bite at a time
Big Sarge wrote:
Flint, you say Trump supporters are armed with "itchy trigger fingers" in your community.
Obviously they have not yet admitted defeat. Shooting clearly would not start until much later.
The Economist is full of article after article citing so much destruction to America (and the world) created by Trump. They are patriots. They state facts - not emotions or political agendas.
How much harm might happen? Learn what Trump supporters advocate. As one so gleefully said, he wants to wreck shit.
When it comes to the body politic, the scars run deep. The bitterly divided country of 2016 campaign is more bitterly divided than ever. ... There is a detectible rise in new strains of extreme partisanship. Data from the Voter Study Group ... show one in five Americans saying that violence could be justified if the other party wins the impending election - a minority, but one that has increased markedly since 2017.
And will continue to increase. As demonstrated by an executive order he has already to execute.
In 1933 Germany, about 3% of the German population openly supported Hitler's campaign of offense. In that number, only 0.4% ( about 207,000) openly advocated violence. Since the leader was a divider - well, The Economist (in so many articles noting damage done by Trump) says
whereas most recent presidents have seen toxic partisanship as bad for America. Mr Trump has made it central to his office. He has never sought to represent the majority of Americans who did not vote for him. ... his instinct was not to heal, but to depict it as an orgy of looting and left wing violence. - part of a pattern of stroking racial tensions.
Do we learn from history?
Four more years of a historically bad president like Mr Trump would deepen all these harms - and more..
What happened when the Nazi paty still did not dominate Germany? The Reichstag building (German Parliament) suddenly burned down. And then Hitler declared marshal law.
How many more Timothy McVeighs are now created? Trump's long history is to promote such hate. No other president openly did that.
This trend towards hyper-partisan predated Mr Trump and went a long way towards explaining his election. He in turn has amplified it - both "a product and an accelerant of the partisan doom loop"
In that picture, I see the SS all over again. Trump supporters. Facts from history are damning when one learns facts. Ignores hype and lies from extremists.
So many separate articles now in The Economist detail destruction to America - and worse to American values - all directly traceable to Trump. Whose long history was to always advance himself at the expense of everyone else. Violence is openly advocated by Trump if he loses today election. No way around that fact.
They never did this before. Their front cover reads "Why it has to be Joe Biden." That p;ictures of Trump's SS only confirms it.
Last edited by tw (11/03/2020 4:55 pm)
If you think that threatening to shoot women and children because you disagree with their opinion is okay, as long as you nobody has been shot yet, then I sincerely invite you to go jump into a volcano. You've lost the plot. Threatening to shoot people, fantasizing and joking about shooting people, showing up with loaded guns and intimidating other American citizens because you think "tHeYr'E aNtiFa" is TERRORISM. It's not hard to be on the right side of this.
One thousand Starbucks windows being broken, One million roads being blocked, doesn't equal up to ONE high school kid being yelled at in the face by a gun-carrying bully, simply for the act of practicing their God-given American right to free speech. Good lord.
Big Sarge wrote:
TW, It is the Democrats/ANTIFA/BLM committing the majority of the acts of violence..
SS was a smaller group - part of SA. Eventually, in an act of violence so acceptable among extemists, the SS literally executed SA leaders to take over. Did not just take over. They literally execute SA leaders. SA was a group of violence. But nothing as severe as the SS.
Only extremists news organizations (that need not confirm their stories since their political agenda is sufficienta) are promoting this ANTIFA myth. Using your reasoning, Martin Luther King and other members of that movement were also terrorists. But Trump did not say so yet. If he does, will you also recite that myth?
Of two extremists groups (far left and far right), only far right wing extremists use violence and openly carry AK-47s to prove their righteousness. Timothy McVeigh being the classic example of a far right wing extremist. Extremists repeating history - like the SS.
I understand the new salute that they will be promoting comes from the movie Spaceballs. Maybe not. But it does demonstrate the level of reasoning behind that movement. They did not blame the Jews. So it must be some secret society called ANTIFA - that was invented by Trump. And that must exist only because right wing extremist know everything Trump says is true.
Last edited by tw (11/03/2020 6:24 pm)
How much property damage, in a dollar amount, justifies brandishing weapons at a child who is growing up, learning about the world, and trying to to be socially conscious and civically involved? This is the switcheroo-- the good ol' boys see "aNtiFa" or whatever on TV, so they threaten to shoot the kid who lives next door. It's a very dangerous situation. You can rebuild a store, you can't un-shoot a human being.
Last edited by Flint (11/03/2020 8:01 pm)
Big Sarge wrote:
Do you seed the far-right burning and looting?
Investigators were seeking right wing extremists in Portland who were actively doing damage during an otherwise peaceful "Black Lives Matter" demonstration. Since big guns and intimidation is the purpose of organized right wing extremists. (Also true of Nazis in 1930 Germany and racists in the America's deep south in 1960s). As demonstrated in Charlottesville VA. Or did you conveniently forget Heather Heyer? Intentional murder justified only by right wing rhetoric.
But you still don't get it. Repeated and you still do not get it. It was never left verses right. Only extremist see everything in black and white. It was always extremists disparaging moderates. To keep their brainwashed extremist followers brainwashed, extremists say anything to avoid that reality. Left wing will call moderates right wingers. But more aggressively (due to Trump's brainwashing his people with daily lies - even The Economist is blunt about his constant lying), right wingers loudly call even moderate Republicans liberals.
Sir. The patriots are moderates. They learn facts before making conclusion. Only adults who are children say, "I am a liberal/conservative. So this is what I believe." That is classic brainwashing. Trump supporters who think that way are especially boisterous - odiously so.=16px
No organization called ANTIFA exists. Invented by right wing extremists to label an enemy - just like Nazis needed to labeled people who were not pure Aryans. So that their lower intelligent followers have a soundbyte to blindly believe. Soundbytes (that target emotions) is how Nazis inspired their SA followers. ANTIFA is simply another mythical enemy so that extreme right wingers have a label for anyone who exposes their childish reasoning.
Moderates (adults who think like adults) ignore that silly ANTIFA expression that exists only to promote more hate.
Heather Heyer. Cherry picking is to ignore facts that contradict a reality.
"if you disagree with me I'll shoot you" is not good stewardship of 2A rights
you are okay with "I will threaten to shoot you if we disagree"
that's the values that will uplift the nation
what concerns you more - violence against property, or violence against people?
Don't downplay the importance of damaging people's property, there's a lot more to it than insurance claims. It destroys people's live and livelihoods.
Harming people or their property is unacceptable bullying. Living in fear is devastating.
Threatening physical harm to person and/or property can do as much psychological damage as the physical act, that's why, "just wait till your father gets home" was one of Mom's most potent weapons.
Big Sarge wrote:
TW, you cite Heather Heyer as an example of alt-right violence. However, ANTIFA or BLM has killed far more, plus committed arson, rioting, and looting, ...
That photograph demonstrate people with Timothy McVeigh attitudes. Big_Sarge wants to convert American into an nation of war lords. To impost extremist politics on all others. Same type brought Hitler to power in the 1930s. That is a picture of American Nazis. KKK hate in a different uniform. A greatest threat to all moderates - the patriots.
Show me where this mythical ANTIFA murdered more people than Timothy McVeigh? Where is a list of people murdered by 'Black Lives Matter'? If making that claim, an honest person listed those murders. Start becoming honest. List those murders.
plus those milkshakes that had concrete in them, right?