tw wrote:
An *extremist even posted that he only wants to "fuck up everything"...
And that, mebbe, is the only good thing that'll come out of the House Plant's time in the Big Chair.
*that's me, in case anyone is wonderin'
tw wrote:
Henry Quirk would have us invading Ukraine to drive out the Russians.
Nope, quite the opposite. Right now, with Smokin' Joe callin' the shots, we need to stay the hell out of it.
What I would have preferred is a chief executive who...
1-can do the job
2-isn't a house plant
3-didn't wag the dog
Mostly, though, I want the legislators and executives (all of 'em, everywhere) and their lackeys hanged.
Merkel previously noted that Putin was living in another world.
He's livin' in the same world as all the leaders: the one where they're entitled to lead and you and I are obligated to follow.
the...only next step is all out nuclear war.
Thank Smokin' Joe (or his handlers) for that.
Say what you like about ORANGE MAN but when he had the Big Chair Putin didn't do diddly.
In fact, durin' his 4 years, a whole whack of the sociopaths in power didn't do diddly.
Now? Russia takes Ukraine; China moves toward Taiwan; Islamists are gettin' noisy again.
What's different? Certainly not Putin's aspirations (he's wanted to reconstruct the Soviet Union for years); certainly not the overall composition and skew of world governments. No, the one difference is we no longer have our sociopath in the Big Chair to counter all the other sociopaths. We traded ORANGE MAN for the House Plant.
It's ridiculous that one old fart should control so much of what happens in the world. It's ridiculous we have to counter their sociopath with our sociopath just to keep the Bomb in a silo.
Most ridiculous of all: that this absurdity is normal, that we not only accept it as normal but that we'll fight tooth & nail to keep it as normal.
From another place...
"henry quirk" wrote:
if certain folks here in the states weren't desperate to turn attention away from their own failings, ukraine wouldn't be in the news: it's all misdirection and diversion...well, gee, we sure screwed things up here at home! let's scare the citizens with the threat of sendin' their sons and daughters off to war! we'll get their attention focused over there while we mop up the mess we made here
Here's what we're not talkin' about in my neck of the woods...
Beer virus.
Canadian truckers.
American truckers.
Durham spotlightin' Clinton and the DNC for spying on ORANGE MAN.
2020 Election shenanigans.
The Affirmative Action SCOTUS nominee.
And last, but not least: China conductin' military exercises in the South China Sea.
Pretty sure in your neck of the woods the dog waggin' has resulted in a similar skew in reportin'.
henry_quirk wrote:
What I would have preferred is a chief executive who...
1-can do the job
2-isn't a house plant
3-didn't wag the dog
So you want a president who
1) lies constantly
2) uses the presidential office only for his own personal gain
3) wanted to destroy NATO
4) destroyed an alliance that would have created both economic and military stability in the western Pacific
5) praised Kim while all but making it easy for him to build nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. Including guarantees of no harm to N Korea even if they built more missiles and atomic bombs
6) Leaked to Kim the existence of a new American nuclear weapons. So secret that few even in American knew of its existence.
7) demeans American allies
8) obstructs one of America's greatest source of strength (economic, political, and military) - immigrants
9) creates tax cuts and other financial fiascos that only enrich the rich
10) has no problem doing what Nazis also did to obtain and maintain power - attack the Capitol
11) lies on his taxes - for decades
12) does not pay his contractors
13) never once ran a successful company (and only enriched himself even at the expense of stockholders
14) routinely cheats on all his wives (which he trades in like a used car every ten years)
15) is condemned / criticized even by the Pope (as a sinner with no remorse)
16) is a racist - praises Nazis, KKK, and White Supremacists.
17) gives the most sensitive secrets to the Russians - even in the Oval Office
18) obtains power only by insulting others - never by recommending anything constructive
19) has a less than 30 second attention span
20) does not write anything down so as not be prosecuted
21) was caught in possession of secret documents that were suppose to remain in secure (and secret) locations
22) lied repeatedly about Covid - constantly contradicting patriots - people who learn facts before making a conclusion
23) fires people when they tell him a truth rather than what he wants to hear
24) declared American intelligence people as "enemies" - an exact quote
25) openly stated that he wanted to pull American troops out of S Korea (after praising Kim)
26) "My fucking generals are a bunch of pussies. They care more about their alliances than they do about trade deals." - a quote provided by a senior staff member for DoD
27) put tariffs on aluminum and steel - thereby harming productive American companies in those industries
28) Fired Comey because he would only work for America; not for Trump
29) Repeatedly ordered his staff to obstruct justice and perform crimes - especially those for political purposes
30) Was routinely played by Putin, Xi, and Erdogen according to Trump's Director of National Intelligence. Even confiscated and destroyed his translators notes when he met with Putin for hours - without any other Americans in the room. A fundamental violation of White House rules.
31) Tried to pull out of Afghanistan immediately without even informing some 70 plus allied nations who were also there as American allies at America's request. Even days after the Sec of Defense had obtained a guarantee from Canada to remain.
32) Stiffed (did not pay) most contractors who worked on Taj Mahal in Atlantic City.
33) Is smarter than all his generals
34) Moved the American embassy to Jerusalem
35) Tried to destroy the World Health Organization
36) Encouraged people to drink Clorox as a cure for Covid
37) Removed people in charge of Security Clearances because they would not approve clearances for some of his family - for good reasons
38) Ordered National Guard and Capitol police to attack demonstrators so that he could have a photo op in front of St John's Church
39) Claimed he did more for people of color than everyone except Lincoln
40) claimed the murder of kids on Sandy Hook was a conspiracy; maybe by those parents
41) Has no moral compass
Some examples that I remember. That say why an extremist would so love and praise Trump.
If I have to have a president then it would nice to have one who didn't, as he wagged the dog, lay the foundation for Atomic know, like Biden did.
But, as I say: mostly, I want legislators and executives (all of 'em, everywhere) and their lackeys hanged.
henry_quirk wrote:
Say what you like about ORANGE MAN but when he had the Big Chair Putin didn't do diddly.
In fact, durin' his 4 years, a whole whack of the sociopaths in power didn't do diddly.
Now? Russia takes Ukraine; China moves toward Taiwan; Islamists are gettin' noisy again.
What's different? Certainly not Putin's aspirations (he's wanted to reconstruct the Soviet Union for years); certainly not the overall composition and skew of world governments. No, the one difference is we no longer have our sociopath in the Big Chair to counter all the other sociopaths. We traded ORANGE MAN for the House Plant.
henry_quirk wrote:
If I have to have a president then it would nice to have one who didn't, as he wagged the dog, lay the foundation for Atomic know, like Biden did.
Posting emotions, justified only by bad fiction, does not create honesty.
Putin wants Trump back. Since Trump has long and but again recently praised Putin. While disparaging American allies including NATO. And undermining the US military. After all, Trump is smarter than all the generals.
utin prefers an American president who is as corrupt as he. And who is easily manipulated due to a massive ego. An ideal president for anyone who wants to "fuck up everything".
Under Biden, Ameican allies are now discussing upgrades to our aliances. (Trump hates allieances.) Finland is now considering joining NATO. Japan is now considering hosting US nuclear weapons in their country. Germany's Olaf Scholz is now publically stated that he has a completely changed mindset. Ordered all German made weaspons can now be donated to Ukraine. And is now calling for a mult-billion dollar increase in spending on the German military.
The 2nd Cold War has gotten hotter. Now that America was working again with our allies.
Even Hungry, who has long been friendlier to Putin, has changed their tune. Hungry (and Cyprus) was a hold out obstructing sanctions on Russia. Biden admininistration has been activily 'rallying the troops'. Maybe in ways that James Baker once did so successfully some thirty years ago.
But then only moderates learn facts rather than making conclusions only from emotions.
Last edited by tw (2/28/2022 10:51 am)
tw wrote:
An ideal president for anyone who wants to "fuck up everything".
Interestin', though...
henry_quirk wrote:
...when he had the Big Chair Putin didn't do diddly.
In fact, durin' his 4 years, a whole whack of the sociopaths in power didn't do diddly.
Now? Russia takes Ukraine (and preps his atomics); China moves toward Taiwan; Islamists are gettin' noisy again.
What's different? Certainly not Putin's aspirations (he's wanted to reconstruct the Soviet Union for years); certainly not the overall composition and skew of world governments. No, the one difference is we no longer have our sociopath in the Big Chair to counter all the other sociopaths. We traded ORANGE MAN for the House Plant.
Putin need not use military force in Trump's tenure. Since Trump even gave Putin most sensitive secrets. Including knowledge of America's most secret and newest weapon. Putin even paid Trump under the table. Putin simply and easily targets Trump's massive ego while quietly preparing for what has now happened. While letting Trump destroy traditional obstructions to Putin's objectives.
One would know that if using a prefrontal cortex, Thinking logically. And ignoring emotions that inspire and educate extremists. Who only want to "fuck up everything". Who therefore need Trump. Trump repeatedly and again praised Putin for being so smart because Putin invaded Ukraine. Trump approves of that.
And, apparently, so does Henry.
Last edited by tw (2/28/2022 11:04 am)
What, dear TW, is America's newest and most secret weapon?
tw wrote:
Putin need not use military force in Trump's tenure.
Which woulda been the prime time to grab a'hold of know, when he had his ORANGE cheerleader in office to run interference for him.
But, for some reason, he decided to wait till the bold & decisive Smokin' Joe took the Big Chair.
Boy, is Putin in for it now... 🤣
Obviously all preparation and planning for this invasion was done while Trump was president. Who called the intelligence community liars. He believes Putin before he believes the American intelligence community. Openly said so. And then said he was smarter than all the generals.
Only the most naive (extremists) would not know that. But then Hitler also knew how to obtain power. Mock and disparage the bourgeois and intelligencia. So that only the most naive and ignorant (extremists) will empower a dictator.
Apparently Henry agrees with Trump. Putin is more honest than American intelligence and military people.. Extremists love lying dictators. Obviously preparation and planning for this invasion was ongoing when Trump president. He then called the American intelligence community liars. Henry again ignores facts to promote a liar's self serving agenda. To "fuck up everything".
Putin has decided to deploy everything. He was surprised by the ferocity of Ukrainian resistance.
Meanwhile Biden has finally gotten most American allies (ie Germany) to change their tune. To finally admit what Biden said as necessary IS necessary. Still, a few nations refuse to implement necessary sanctions. Including Turkey. Even though Turkey and Ukraine were close friends. But then that is Erdogen. Who, American intelligence say, easily played on Trump's ego for his own advantages.
tw wrote:
Obviously all preparation and planning for this invasion was done while Trump was president.
It took fours years to plan an invasion...right, sure, okay.
Obviously preparation and planning for this invasion was ongoing when Trump president.
Four years worth of prep, right?
Putin has decided to deploy everything. He was surprised by the ferocity of Ukrainian resistance.
So much for that four years of meticulous planning, I guess. What a waste.
Are we still acceptin' Russian oil? Last time I looked: we were.
henry_quirk wrote:
tw wrote:
Obviously all preparation and planning for this invasion was done while Trump was president.
It took fours years to plan an invasion...right, sure, okay.
It hasn't been four years since Trump was president.
Happy Monkey wrote:
henry_quirk wrote:
tw wrote:
Obviously all preparation and planning for this invasion was done while Trump was president.
It took fours years to plan an invasion...right, sure, okay.
It hasn't been four years since Trump was president.
"While Trump was President" is less than four years ago.
henry_quirk wrote:
It hasn't been four years since Trump was president.
Being an extremist means one contributes nothing. Constantly naysays. Putin is playing a chess game. He was planning this for maybe ten years. Anyone, with military knowledge or common sense, knows that war preparations take years. Hitler was having Russia build his tanks for most of a decade before he went to war.
Basic knowledge to anyone who learns BEFORE posting denials. Putin had been storing financial reserves, organizing new weapons (ie cyber), arranging for alternative banking and communication channels, etc And doing most of it during Trump's tenure. How could he move most of his military across eight times zones in Russia to attack Ukraine so quickly? He was planning years in advance. Only one with an extremist agenda would not know that.
Trump made it easier even by demeaning the intelligence community and mocking the generals. Extremists do this. Demean, disparage, and ignore reality.
Henry even ignores this reality - as any good extremist would do. Trump said he trusted Putin more than he did his intelligence agencies.
Still not lined up to sanction Putin are Turkey, India, and Brazil. Brazil president Bolsonaro even praised Putin for his attack. Extremists do that. Ignore reality. Praise anyone who would "fuck up everything".
Extremists blame it on Biden rather than suggest how that problem could be solved. Then their "contributing nothing": is overlooked. Always naysaying. Never once said how a war can be created in less than 6 months. Or could have been averted. Extremist rhetoric is routinely based in lies.
This war was in planning for more than four years. Anyone with a shred of knowledge would know that.
In Putin's chess game were tests and feints on other potential targets including Finland, the Baltic states, and in the Armenia / Azerbaijan region. All part of planning for military or other strategies many years later. Only the most naive think he was not making these plans years ago.
The naive also intentionally forget that Trump said he trusted Putin more than the entire American intelligence community. Admitting that would be contributing something constructive. An extremist constantly forgets that to "fuck up everything". To contribute nothing productive or informative - similar to a fan of the KKK, White Supremacists and Nazis. Whom extremists also approve of.
Henry, like Trump, apparently admires what Putin is doing. Apparently approves of how Brazil president also praises Putin. Mocks others rather than contribute anything informed or useful. He will not admit it. But Henry is an admirer of Putin. And likes what Putin is doing.
Notice he never once contributes anything disparaging of extremists like Putin. Who will also 'fuck up everything". The extremist's secret motto.
Macron noted that Putin was rigid, isolated, and talking in circles. Putin has diminished his trusted advisers making even leaks impossible. So few really know (or say) what he is thinking. We know he has become so demented as to keeps all other participant in a meeting at least 10 chars away. Even his seven most trusted financial advisers were keep at the other end of a long table. Putin is even suffering exaggerated fears of Covid. Extremists regard this as normal (good) behavior.
Last edited by tw (3/02/2022 1:01 pm)
Happy Monkey wrote:
"While Trump was President" is less than four years ago.
I see what you mean. When the Moderate said Obviously all preparation and planning for this invasion was done while Trump was president. I took it to mean the KGB Agent spent the whole of ORANGE MAN's 4 years preppin'. Obviously, the Moderate leans in that direction since he points out He the KGB Agent was planning this for maybe ten years.
tw wrote:
He was planning this for maybe ten years.
Mebbe so. So: how's that decade of prep workin' out for him?
I'll bet I know the details, number of years etc. MUCH more than you non-knowing know-nothings about Russian military and KGB stuff about which I know a lot--at least a MILLION times more than you all. Check back after the dust settles so you can say, "GOSH, that guy was an EXPERT who put us all to shame!" and then you commit seppuku, and then I laugh, "HA ha ha!"
Oh, yeah?
106 nations sponsored a resolution that was taken up by the eleventh emergency session of the UN. That 1 March vote resulted in 141 members of the UN General Assembly voting to condemn the Russian war. (In Russia, calling it a war can result in a prison sentence.)
Four nations are so despot as to vote against it: Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea and Syria.
However 35 other nations also have no balls - remain despictable. Including Algeria, Mali, Senegal, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Sudan, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Madagasgar, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Armenia, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Laos, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, China, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Boliva.
Hungry and Serbia, who have close relationships with Russia, voted against Russia. Even Brazil, Turkey, and Myanmar voted against Russia.
China's influence being glaringly obvious in much of Africa.
Also absent were 12 nations: Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Eswatini, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Morocco, Togo, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Venezuela has no voting rights.
Surprisingly, only 73% of UN member nations voted to condemn Russia.
Last edited by tw (3/02/2022 7:32 pm)
TheNeverWas wrote:
What, dear TW, is America's newest and most secret weapon?
Ukraine is a big country...
...with the capitol city about the size of Chicago.
That 40 mile long convoy outside the capitol, just sitting there...
Made me think of Saddam's convoy leaving Kuwait after refusing to give up weapons.
Remember what that looked like when the Warthogs got done?
Amazing video from Arnold Schwarzenegger