monster wrote:
you like ironing then?
Mr. C must really like ironing.
TheNeverWas wrote:
Mr. C must really like ironing.
There's a basket load of shirts awaiting an ironing session in the other room.
I might get around to doing them before the week is out.
Then again...
Ya'll are killing me.
Out west we have wash and wear, aka permanent press.
I picked up an iron once. 'bout 60 years ago.
Yeah, Momdi--I mean--MomWas showed me how to iron. I used to like a crease in m'pants.
Today? Not so much.
Diaphone Jim wrote:
Out west we have wash and wear, aka permanent press.
I picked up an iron once. 'bout 60 years ago.
I've never been a fan of non-iron shirts.
Laden, as they are, with all manner of chemicals, the fabric soon becomes stiff and scratchy.
An abomination in the sight of God and Man.
This about sums it up...
The no-iron shirt may be the greatest fashion crime of our age.
A grotesque invention, it is the satanic love-child of chemistry and retailing, combining all the worst qualities of plywood, vinyl, and embalming fluid in a garment that would be more at home in the Spanish Inquisition than the cubicles of the modern workplace.
Carruthers wrote:
...that would be more at home in the Spanish Inquisition...
Well, I certainly wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition.[/setup]
Nobody expects this
Carruthers wrote:
Diaphone Jim wrote:
Out west we have wash and wear, aka permanent press.
I picked up an iron once. 'bout 60 years ago.I've never been a fan of non-iron shirts.
Laden, as they are, with all manner of chemicals, the fabric soon becomes stiff and scratchy.
An abomination in the sight of God and Man.
This about sums it up...The no-iron shirt may be the greatest fashion crime of our age.
A grotesque invention, it is the satanic love-child of chemistry and retailing, combining all the worst qualities of plywood, vinyl, and embalming fluid in a garment that would be more at home in the Spanish Inquisition than the cubicles of the modern workplace.
The dryers out here are awesome. It is not necessary to buy non-iron shirts. Just don't leave them sitting in there once they are done. In the old country, I used to iron 5 work shirts for beest every week. and the bedding for the babies' cots. that was it. entire sum of my ironing. Moved here, into a fully furnished apartment -down to cutlery, face cloths ...everything. no iron. immediately went out and bought one. The first use it got was years later for craft projects and sewing halloween costumes. Same 5 shirts -whole different kettle of laundry.
Flint wrote:
WKRP episodes don't have the original music in them anymore, so unless you've got a set of old VHS tapes or something, the show is just a memory now
eta: I stand corrected, apparently you can get a DVD set with "over 90%" of the original music
Just fell across this:
Music Issues w/WKRP
If you eat a flea infected with The Plague, will you get The Plague?
And did it (the Bubonic Plague) originate in a place called Bubonia?
Last edited by TheNeverWas (3/18/2022 9:07 am)
Also, and...
Did Teh Cellar forget to spring forward? My post times are off.
TheNeverWas wrote:
And did it (the Bubonic Plague) originate in a place called Bubonia?
And is Teutonic Plague another name for German Measles?
TheNeverWas wrote:
Also, and...
Did Teh Cellar forget to spring forward? My post times are off.
The default timezone when you register is -5 Eastern Standard Time (I can only choose from Standard times, no Daylight times) but after that you control your own timezone in your user panel.
I thank you.
Octopus says this prittstick is mine.
I wonder what would happen if I got a yard sign that said "Pray To End Prayer"?
The guy I sold my tree service to called on me the other day. We had some pretty bad weather (70 mph winds locally) recently, and trees are down just everywhere.
He stopped by to offer me $500 a day to do what I did til he gets caught up. I took a pass.
I'll take it......
....what proportion of bodies to trees goes unnoticed?... (asking for am almost acquaintance)
It's a PITA when ya gotta disentangle tree for house/shed. Also, I'd have to pay any help I needed outta my pay.
Also, also, I physically can't do the work anymore. Between having not worked for waaay too long, medical issues, and medication issues, I just can't do it.
He's a greedy asshole, too. And the work won't last long, I'd bet. We got a lot of that kind of services around now,,,
But owners will make some good money (in$urance money!) for a while.
Is Betsy Murgatroyd the most heavenly name?