To the best of my knowledge, The Economist magazine (Britian's version of Time Magazine) has, for the first time ever, did this on their front cover: Why it has to be ...
According to the BBC, four out if five Britians disapprove of Donald Trump. Because he has so badly insulted, mocked, condemned, and disparaged all American allies. While praising Putin, Kim, and Xi.
The most head-spinning feature of the Trump presidency is his contempt for the truth. All politicians prevaricate, but his administration has given America “alternative facts”. Nothing Mr Trump says can be believed—including his claims that Mr Biden is corrupt. His cheerleaders in the Republican Party feel obliged to defend him regardless, as they did in an impeachment that, bar one vote, went along party lines.
The Economist is almost never that blunt. They were not even that blunt about Mission Accomplished.
Never forget what a Trump supporter in the Cellar wants. Bluntly said so. They want to wreck shit. Which means we can expect more bad things if this election is not a landslide.
Last edited by tw (11/03/2020 5:12 pm)
Maybe this could be moved to politics?
griff wrote:
Maybe this could be moved to politics?
I'm still figuring this place out, and just learned that I can censor individual words and replace them globally on the site with different words. That's what it looks like anyway. Crazy.
griff wrote:
Maybe this could be moved to politics?
Or maybe it is discussing what could be your entire life in the next many years - socially, economically, politically, internationally, education wise, the survival of democracy, medically, and psychologically. All those things are on the line. So this event is a front cover story. An event that serious effecting everything in everyone's life.
For example, in another of so many articles are corruption and threats to all American institutions. The livelihood of every citizen. This goes well beyond politics. These actions have directly affected even the psychological health of every American: And maybe, if violence occurs (as he advocates), then the physical health of everyone. So it should also be in health, current event, and (hopefully) need only be in Nothingland.
Yet concerns about what swap-draining really meant surfaced early in Mr Trump's presidency. ... Among his first acts was to scrap a rule requiring oil and other firmed to say what they paid foreigners.
We don't have a discussion for history, economics, or the Constitution. And yet this stuff also belongs there.
BBC is making major reports discussing how flagrantly the Donald has been lying in the past 24 hours. Noting well over 20,000 lies he has made only in the past four years. They bluntly demonstrated to the world how this president hypes lies about a stolen election. Even demonstrated how one network immediately cut him off in mid-sentence to say he has just lied. His accusation is not true.
All Europeans news services are constantly reporting what Trump says. And then following that with statement such as, "That is a lie" or "That is not true".
Trump may be setting a new record for the most lies in a day. But worse, how many are so brainwashed as to believe anything he says?
An analysis from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation:
If the President's supporters believe him and dismiss everyone else as "fake news", then his baseless claims about the election being stolen could have very real consequences,
"Baseless" is another term routinely being heard all over the world to describe what Trump says. Except in places such as Russia, the world is constantly reporting accusations of election fraud are completely baseless. Discussing those lies while bluntly noting on one fact supports his lies.
What day in the past 40 years did not Trump not lie? A challenging question since one might get lucky; discover that one day.
Even major Republicans, such as Trump loyal ally Sen Graham, are publicly admitting evidence of fraud does not exist. The president is not the only one lying. Don Jr is also quoted as lying. Apparently lying is routine in that family.
He posted lies about the election on Twitter and Facebook. What will social media do? They are much less responsible. Both only labeled those outright Trump lies about 'winning the election despite massive fraud' as "misleading". Those media sources demonstrate why Russian hackers could so easily brainwash so many Americans. Social media still will not label outright lies as lies. YouTube is even worse. BBC notes social media's inability to demand honesty. Trump was permitted to post lies about voter fraud routinely in April on social media without any challenge. They would not even call it misleading - when not one fact justified his intentional lies.
Trump said mail-in balloting is fraudulent. But he and his entire family voted by mail-in ballots. So who participates where fraud is suppose to exist?
Last edited by tw (11/06/2020 10:29 am)
Seems a little semantic.
Technically, my mail in ballot was an absentee ballot. I attested that I had a medical condition that prevented me from voting in person, The voting instructions explained that if I had a concern that I might catch Covid by showing up to my polling place, that constituted a medical reason.
Undertoad wrote:
That is a lie. They were absentee ballots, a concept which preceded the entire mail-in system. They might be mailed, but don't have to be.
Semantics. Mail-in ballot or one put into those ballot boxes - either it is called 'voting at the poll on election day'. Or it is any other' pre-election day' vote. All described by an general expression "mail-in ballots". Trump accuses all voting, not performed on election day in voting booths, as fraudulent. His family also voted by this method that he falsely accuses as fraudulent.
Change the expression from mail-in to whatever you want to call it.. Trump still lies. Calling it corrupted by Democrats to steal the election - without even one fact.
Trump constantly says he won the election - without even one fact or number that says so. Just another example of how many lies he now makes every day.
Inauguration Day will be telling. Can a scumbag admit defeat? Will his narcissistic personality disorder let him admit reality? A challenge so severe that he might even suffer a mental breakdown? Or do something else (even corrupt or immoral) that no other president has every done. Since neither honesty, tradition, nor humility was ever Trump.,
I find all this quite entertaining.
Undertoad wrote:
The opposite, gentlemen; it is semantics to say it was mail-in when it was absentee, because the original claim in context was that the new mail-in system would have problems while the absentee system has been well planned for over decades.
What are details that so make one reliable and the other unreliable? What makes all absentee, mail-in, military, and provisional voting so vastly different? Trump makes those claims. But, as usual, never says why.
Last edited by tw (11/06/2020 6:27 pm)