Although it's rare, there are drums made from "cherry" wood. I'm now wondering what "cherry" means. Like "mahogany" --there is "Philippine" mahogany (or, Lauan) and "African" but apparently neither of these are actually Mahogany. Or Maple-- the "good" kind is advertised as "North American" maple, but what is that even? As for Cherry, it's so unusual, they just say "Cherry" and that's it.
eta: Drum Workshop's "Cherry" (usually used for veneers) is described as "a beautiful wood with an irregular swirling grain in honey coloured light brown."
Last edited by Flint (1/13/2022 4:31 pm)
Wow, xoB, you nailed it. Thanks for the excellent post with the excellent sample pictures. They're exactly what I was talking about.
You can see the dramatically different bark structures.
An extremely talented young musician gave (by all accounts) an amazing solo concerto performance on the piccolo last night. Proud momma and others posted on SM about it. Most common comment? How beautiful the (female) performer is. WTF people? that would not be the first comment if the musician had been male? Some (probably those who had known him since a toddler) might mention "handsome" ....but at least one would have commented on the musical talent.
She'll look lovely in a kitchen!
*checks the year*
Oof. This is on Pete's list of triggers and being a Dad of daughters, I'll join the feminists as well.
Yes, but the piccolo!
Limey wrote:
Yes, but the piccolo! too -pick an instrument you can travel with easily. Although she won't need to for a few years -she just confirmed enrollment at U of M as a physics major.
.....and I bet people will comment on her grad pics saying how beautiful she is, despite the fact that everyone looks like a dick in a cap and gown :/
Went to the local seed - feed for some hardware. I got a couple bags of crimson clover seed and wildflower seed while I was there in addition to the hardware. When I got back to my truck, I noticed it had been burgled.
Cigarette ash on the seat, all my shit ransacked. Murder comes to mind, though I'm mostly over that part too. I don't really keep anything in there worth selling, so no loss there. As long as you're not counting that chunk of my faith in human nature.
You have my sympathy, BigV.
Hereabouts walkers leave their cars in a lay by near the entrance to the woods and are often targeted by thieves
It's rare that there isn't a load of glass on the ground where they've smashed car windows.
There are notices warning drivers not to leave valuables in cars, so whether they do, or the thieves force entry on a 'just in case' basis, I don't know.
There were times when I used to keep an eye on a local farm for the manager if he and his wife were off the premises for any length of time and I would have a walk up there two or three times a day.
On one occasion I noticed a car parked outside a nearby house and when I came back from the farm, having had a walk around for ten minutes or so, the rear window had been smashed.
There was a family gathering going on at the house and nobody had seen a thing.
The automotive criminal classes are always ready to adapt and the theft of catalytic converters is widespread and often takes place in broad daylight.This happened last December.
A catalytic converter was stolen from a parked vehicle in a car park in Aylesbury on Friday (December 17).
The vehicle was parked outside the Lidl supermarket in Oakfield Road between 3-3:30pm when the part was taken.
The victim says both police officers and repair shop workers informed him, there had been a rise in catalytic converter thefts in Aylesbury, in recent weeks.
And in the latest edition of the Bucks Free Press:
Dog walkers have had the catalytic converters stolen from their vehicles after parking up near a busy A-road.
Brazen thieves have been sawing off the valuable car parts from cars parked up along and near the A4010 Bradenham Road in West Wycombe.
West Wycombe Parish Council has warned dog walkers about a string of incidents that have happened in broad daylight - and in full view of other drivers along the main road.
They said: "Please be aware that cars parked by dog walkers along the Bradenham Road have had their catalytic converters stolen during daylight hours in the full view of all passing cars."
No one ever sees a thing and nobody ever seems to end up in court.
Bucks Herald
Bucks Free Press
Use private browsing for full access to the above articles.
Last edited by Carruthers (4/10/2022 5:53 am)
Sorry V. It's hard to believe I've become a car door locker but here we are.
When I moved here from the UK, I could not believe people left their cars unlocked -keys in engine running, that stores displayed goods out on the sidewalk with no-one standing there and that people left their doors open. Very different scenario to the UK. Honestly, like a generation or two time lag. and now, a generation or two later... here we are, just as I've got(ten) used to not having to lock everything up tight.....
There are periodically spates of unlocked cars being tossed at night in our neighborhood and nearby ones. they got ours once, must've got(ten) away with about 50¢ but threw everything from the glove box and central console on the floor and seat.
griff wrote:
Sorry V. It's hard to believe I've become a car door locker but here we are.
A guy I used to work with told me he always left his car unlocked in a bad neighborhood, because he said thieves will usually try the door first, hoping they get lucky. They rummage around, discover that there's nothing to steal, and go on their way. And then you don't have to pay to replace a smashed window.
With robotics as they are, it would be easy to make a faux vicious dog to hide under a blanket and be activated by the vibration or sound of glass breaking.
After the attack, its barking, while scaring the shit out of the thief, would also be an alarm.
I love Trunk Monkey. Such a great campaign. One of my favorites:
Last edited by footfootfoot (4/11/2022 10:41 pm)
Clodfobble wrote:
A guy I used to work with told me he always left his car unlocked in a bad neighborhood, because he said thieves will usually try the door first, hoping they get lucky. They rummage around, discover that there's nothing to steal, and go on their way. And then you don't have to pay to replace a smashed window.
I rarely lock my car, a convertible. I don't wanna fix another hole in my canvas roof. If there's anything of value I have to leave in there, I put it in the glove box, and lock that.
Outta sight, outta mind, maybe...
This morning some old fart ran into our Buick while I was parked at the VA in Tomah, and now when I try to report the accident the web site will not take the other cars plate number. He jumped the curb and drove across the sidewalk and hit me on the drivers side front. He clamed to have his foot on the brake the whole time. Just Pisses me off.
That does suck.
Just when ya thought a trip to the VA couldn't get any less enjoyable...
He needed to lift his foot off the "brake" and try the other brake, a little bit further to the left. Easy mistake to make, but disastrous.
I was just thinking the only way my cars will jump a curb is with a little gas. If you are going slow the car or truck will just stop against the curb.
TheNeverWas wrote:
Clodfobble wrote:
A guy I used to work with told me he always left his car unlocked in a bad neighborhood, because he said thieves will usually try the door first, hoping they get lucky. They rummage around, discover that there's nothing to steal, and go on their way. And then you don't have to pay to replace a smashed window.
I rarely lock my car, a convertible. I don't wanna fix another hole in my canvas roof. If there's anything of value I have to leave in there, I put it in the glove box, and lock that.
Outta sight, outta mind, maybe...
I was in school with a guy who lived near Washington Heights in NYC and he did the same thing; all the doors were left unlocked. Some crackhead busted the windows anyway.
When I saw it this morning, I actually said aloud (I was alone in the world at the time) "This aggression will not stand."
Snek was posthumously nick-named Putin, 'cuz he invaded my territory, and got his ass handed to him on a silver platter.
I wonder if Snek will miss his head...
Fuck Snek.