The changes in society, the culture, the Times, are often baby steps we don't even notice in the hustle and bustle of life.
This one caught my eye for some reason, maybe because I look at these AOM sheets more closely.
I've seen a lot of the Art Of Manliness tip sheets, and brought many of the camping tips here.
And the last panel, our instructor was the siphoner, is the guy upper left the siphonee with his chick.?
The guy upper right a look out, passerby, material witness?
They look like zombies to me.
Good point, I hadn't thought of that.
The car is a wreck with all the windows broken but no clue how long it's been wrecked.
He might be salvaging rather than stealing, and zombies rather than irate car owner.
Hope his lawyer can figure that out. Of course that's if the zombies don't eat his brain.
Nowadays, stealers use battery drills to simply drain from the bottom, sparks be damned.
When the vessel used is full, the rest goes on the ground.
Companion tool doubles for catalytic converter removal.
Both are increasingly worth the effort.
For gas an ice pick works in most cases but only if you're skinny enough to get under there.
I could get this guys gas...