Hugo Boss is an extremely high end fashion house out of reach for most people.
I saw this picture(jibe) as unfair because you do what the powers that be dictate.
Like VW and other German companies they did what they were told.
But digging into it further Boss was a early supporter of Hitler richly rewarded when the Nazis came to power.
He was also strongly anti semitic, used slave labor, and treated them worse than most.
So apparently it's a fair shot at the brand.
I've just happened upon a review of a new book 'Nazi Billionaires' and it is headed:
The German tycoons who got fat on the Nazi killing machine
After reading David de Jong's Nazi Billonaires, you will never again buy a Volkswagen, a Dr Oetker pizza or Allianz insurance without unease.
The reviewer, Patrick Bishop, pulls no punches when he says...
They (the industrialists) embraced the new order with eyes wide open. Having first warmed to Hitler as a bulwark against their nightmare of a communist takeover, they were soon possessed by a more primal urge.
He was offering an amazing deal and their shrivelled souls could not bear to turn it down.
As de Jong demonstrates in his study of some – but by no means all – of the culprits, whatever duty they might once have felt, to God, the nation or to decency was easily eclipsed by devotion to the deity that really mattered: Mammon.
Ferdinand Porsche showing Hitler a familiar looking car in 1938.
xoxoxoBruce wrote:
Like VW and other German companies they did what they were told.
Agent Orange.