Clodfobble wrote:
That behind-the-head position is exactly where one of my dogs goes when she hears one of her triggers (a little shop bell or elevator ding--long story...) except she's small so she's actually sitting on my shoulders, and usually digging furiously into them with her claws.
That would not be comfortable!! If I'm in the hammock, she ends up in the same position. I'm not sure what it is about being there that she likes. Maybe she can see me and the rest of the world?
Are you making Benny pull you up the hill, making him earn his keep? LoL
To be fair to Ben, he kept a soft leash for the most part but I was messing with a phone. I wanted to show that both his ears were up when leading. He usually has one ear down so he was "on."
He has your best interests at heart...
Yeah Mr Bear, you better move out of the way or I'll tear you a new one. You don't be messing with my family.
Pearl the most Beautiful Dog of all time. Meow!!!