Email, or in this case Gmail.
I had to replace my water heater that hemorrhaged on labor day.
My buddy asked if I got it hooked up and I emailed back about the wiring.
I that email I wrote..."I attached the white wire etc etc etc..."
When I hit send I get a pop-up.
I hadn't seen that before.
As my grandmother would say: Google is getting too big for its britches.
I used to kind of appreciate it when its search program gave hints to shorten the process.
Now it seems to second guess you to the point of overriding what you want.
It really doesn't know best.
One of there best features was type a phone number and it would tell you who/where it is if it's a listed number.
Now they just list a bunch of charge you for the information sites. Even they are just two companies using other businesses as fronts. Even then they jerk you around for a couple minutes while they say they're looking up criminal records, court cases, government records, credit ratings, and a bunch of other shit you didn't ask for. I tried a couple other search engines with no better results.