The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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9/24/2022 11:41 pm  #1

Trickle Down

Trickle down with the emphasis on trick. Next time you see a hungry homeless person find the nearest mansion and slip a $20 in the mailslot. It should trickle down in no time.
One of the subjects getting a lot of attention, what the old newspaper guys would call a lot of inches, and I suppose the same would apply to the net, is the gap in wealth from top to bottom of the social order. They classed the US as a poor country with some pockets of very wealthy people.

The chart was too big and the first and last box had no US data so I lopped them off and added them below if you're interested. The somewhat scattered vertical numbers are thousands of dollars of disposable income.


 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

Board footera