“Out of the muck of their swinishness the typical American law-maker emerges. He is a man who has lied and dissembled, and a man who has crawled. He knows the taste of boot polish. He has suffered kicks in the tonneau of his pantaloons. He has taken orders from his superiors in knavery and has wooed and flattered his inferiors in sense. His public life is an endless series of evasions and false pretenses. He is willing to embrace any issue, however idiotic, that will get him votes, and he is willing to sacrifice any principle, however sound, that will lose them for him. I do not describe the democratic politician at his inordinate worst; I describe him as he is encountered in the full sunshine of normalcy . . . . It is almost an axion that no man may make a career in politics in the Republic without stooping to such ignobility: it is as necessary as a loud voice . . . . They are men who, at some time or other, have compromised with their honor, either by swallowing their convictions or by whooping for what they believe to be untrue. They are in the position of the chorus girl who, in order to get her humble job, has had to admit the manager to her person.”
- H.L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy
Axion is an interesting typo.
xoB, your talent for making a grown man cry has remained undiminished through the years.
BigV wrote:
Only a child or an extremist insults others. An honest and patriotic man would have contributed something useful. Not waste bandwidth with what is least relevant. His emotions.
And your post contributed what, O great contributor?
As expected, another Trump supporter posting cheapshots. Without contributing anything.
Topic is xoxoxoBruce's post. Do you think you can change enough to be an adult; discuss the topic? I am not asking for miracles.
Bob Odenkirk, on Mr. Show, once suggested something to the effect of, "[if you didn't understand what I said, then], I recommend that an armada of Q-tips be dispatched to your ear area forthwith!" God.. this guy was a terrorist who hated freedom.
Last edited by Flint (10/06/2022 5:17 pm)
Undertoad wrote:
Every sentence is a carefully constructed insult. As such, he is dishonest and unpatriotic.
Agreed. There is no logic. Only sentences justified by emotions.
tw wrote:
Oh YEAH?? Well firstly.. eh, wait, whaat.?
Diaphone Jim wrote:
Axion is an interesting typo.
You think it's a typo, what do you think Mencken wrote, axiom?
Yes, I do, don't you?
Axiom sounds logical but Menchen being such a weird dude who knows.
Lord knows how many times that has been copied and copied.
I just discovered that Google may have stopped reporting the number of results for a search.
But while showing a shitload for "Mencken 'almost an axiom,'" it only has one for
I have to admit that the one, from "The Orthosphere," is a great page.
Last edited by Diaphone Jim (10/24/2022 12:14 pm)