The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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10/19/2022 9:11 pm  #1

Rich Richer Richest

Elon Musk, son of a South African Emerald mine owner is a smart cookie. He used his Canadian mother to get Canadian status making it easier to come to the US than an African. But he's is truly an African American unlike the millions of black people who have never even seen Africa for at least a dozen generations. But I digress.

Like I said he's smart and created programs that were sold for millions of dollars. He took on challenges where the government would guarantee billions in funding. Most importantly he hired smart people who made the enterprises successful. Can't say he deserves to be the world's richest man but can't say he doesn't.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

10/21/2022 12:47 pm  #2

Re: Rich Richer Richest

He's a lot less rich now (I say as another shareholder, not that I'm complaining) than he was a few months ago.  And soon, buying Twitter at a massive premium.

|_______________| We live in the nick of times.
|  Len 17, Wid 3      |

10/22/2022 9:06 am  #3

Re: Rich Richer Richest

Much speculation about what he would do with Twitter.   One is that he may change its target market from personal based discussion groups to something described only as X.

Many also cite how this is outside his current experience.  But then Howard Hughes also did things unrelated to airplanes - and succeeded.


10/23/2022 9:27 pm  #4

Re: Rich Richer Richest

That you noticed.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.
     Thread Starter

10/24/2022 12:18 pm  #5

Re: Rich Richer Richest

I hope that when it does, it will be mild enough to let you tell us about it.


10/24/2022 3:56 pm  #6

Re: Rich Richer Richest

I'm still mad about horseless carriages. It isn't in God's plan for a conveyance to be animated by spirits and vapors.

signature s c h m i g n a t u r e

10/24/2022 7:01 pm  #7

Re: Rich Richer Richest

Agreed, too dangerous, and too much infrastructure investment for some new-fangled pipe dream.

And.. in addition to the aforementioned considerations, what of the farm hands who'll lose their careers in the hay-to-horse industry? I'll tell you what--  we'll be creating a standing army of pitchfork-wielding drunkards! I wouldn't wish the blood which the streets will run red with on the hands of my worst enemy, and yet there it will certainly be, by my reckoning.

signature s c h m i g n a t u r e

10/24/2022 10:03 pm  #8

Re: Rich Richer Richest

egads let us not speak of such things

signature s c h m i g n a t u r e

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