The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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10/26/2022 11:09 am  #1


10/29/2022 12:21 am  #2

Re: Extremist creates his own death

Yes, they never denied the value of helmets, just that they should be free to choose to take the risk.
I agree with them with the stipulation if they die in an accident the other driver/rider isn't charged with their death.
Oh, and mandatory till 18 or 21, whatever that states age is.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

10/30/2022 10:57 am  #3

Re: Extremist creates his own death

Other driver is left with guilt, psychological problems, et al associated with those deaths.  That helmet is necessary to also avert such harm to others.  Including a long investigation that must suspect every innocent person for most of a year.

As if their death (due to no helmet) did not do harm to all others.  Wearing a helmet restricts what freedom?  Requiring one to not sit on handlebars and to not do wheelies also restricts same freedoms.

Freedoms are always secondary to responsibility.

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