The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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11/12/2022 12:40 am  #1


I got a letter from the IRS saying I made a mistake on my 2021 taxes and owe more money.
Fortunately it's, even with interest, only $135 . I don't understand where they got their numbers from
but it was late at night and I'll look at it again so I don't make the same mistake this year.
I think the way they calculated it is interesting...

Because the FED has been raising interest rates so are they. The interest calculated to 11-7, I got the letter on 11-8.
Of course there is no postmark so I don't know when or from where it was mailed.
The payment goes to Kansas City but I doubt it came from there.
They want payment in a couple weeks or if I want to dispute it tell them by the end of January.
Maybe I'll start a Go Fund Me for $135. 

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

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