I'm sure you're aware of the two Russian pipeline explosions, it's all over the news.
Lots of finger pointing, he did it, no he did it. I didn't do it lets blame Mikey.
Then I read this piece by someone who sounds like they know what they're talking about.
The key here is "sounds like", but he brings a whole raft of information about the pipelines I hadn't read before.
I think it's worth reading.
That was worth the read.
Looks like Europe is in for a taste of the future.
Solid hydrates are just one of many reasons why a pipeline might fail. Very unlikely to have happened in two different pipes in the same area at the same time. And at three different locations.
If hydrates were a problem, then it would have been cited and addressed in advance at the European side.
Meanwhile NATO has taken a different approach. They regard it as intentional sabotage. That rare explosion, happening three times to two different pipes, is the perfect strategy to target an extremist's objective. Old target were energy companies. New target is mindset of European citizens who will be paying more for energy. Who will see shortages. And who would be willing to surrender to Putin's objectives.
Many NATO nations are now patrolling some 5000 miles of undersea pipelines. Including a 750 mile pipe from Norway to Scotland.
If both pipes are not repaired immediately, then each pipe will become unusable. Prolonged interior exposure to sea water can be destructive. And a perfect strategy to put western markets into a frenzy.
Markets considered those pipeline shutdowns as temporary. Being permanently destroyed adds a new wrinkle into an already unstable situation. And an ideal event for Putin. He is a chess player.
Last edited by tw (10/05/2022 9:59 am)
Now an oil pipeline from central Russia to Germany has sprung an unexplained leak in Poland.
Failures by Russian military are entrenching Putin's right wing extremist supporters. Increasing the probability of nuclear war. Extremists do that to enrich their power. Since power (an emotion) is what extremists understand and crave.
Last edited by tw (10/12/2022 7:01 am)
Sweden had determined it was sabotage. They found strange debris with traces of explosives.
Pipeline was also concrete encased. Explosion had to be so powerful as to also penetrate that.
No wonder Trump was so friendly with Putin. All part of an extremist philosophy that says "fuck shit up".