Can someone help how to answer a new topic ??
Maybe I'm not writing correctly?
Please tell me.
Yours faithfully.
Good evening, Mr. Davidafy. Your reality, should you decide to accept it, is that you can't expect to just jump in and reply to new topics. You have to work your way up to them. First, start by replying to old topics as the last one to reply. Resurrect a few old threads. After you become comfortable with that, you can progress to posting replies to unanswered topics using the "Show unanswered topics" link at the bottom of the Index page. Saving Opening Posts from being skunked will establish your worthiness to reply to new topics. Then, God willing and the river don't rise, you'll be ready to be the first one to reply to a brand-new topic. As always, should you or any other spammer be edited or banned, Anonymous will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck, Davy.
Limey wrote:
Your mission should you choose to accept it will be as varied and interesting as you choose. Fair Voyage.