Grav, WTF? .... you were so close to getting the magic 100 posts and making the captcha disappear and now you seem to have regressed.... are you still alive? Did the docs make you delete posts to reduce the weird proteins and shit?
Also, Carruthers, I miss him.
I'd also like to say I miss Big Sarge, but I have my tinfoil hat on so he can't tell me to do things any more.
Seconded on all counts
Me too.
I miss Lumberjimian input
Speaking of dwellars of old who should definitely post.... I see a new (!) member named "juju". Coincidence? I think not.
zippyt, please check in.
Zippers doesn't really come here, I think -too busy splashin' about enjoying retirement. i always get him through Phaspuck if'n I need to drag him to a virtual forkfest
Hi guys
I've been sidetracked. If you assign cellar==track and life==side.
I do think about all y'all every day. But I'm not posting every day, sorry. You're all still my family of choice and I want to continue to share with you.
But I've been derelict in my in my duties to the community. So much has happened since I tried to make this post, started a week ago...excuses, reasons, distractions, judge me as you will. And I know you will. Now the trail is cold, but I have some time on my hands, as will become obvious in a minute...
I just miss you guys. I'm back (for now).
Welcome bro.
Going dark for a week or so, catch yis later.
griff wrote:
Going dark for a week or so, catch yis later.
Have Fun!
Hi guys!
Don't have a reliable process to post pics from my phone. Sorry.
Insert relaxful pic o me tryin to catch up on what I ve missed here
Side note
And this goddamn Barbie scale ketboard.
It's been mostly quiet. We're all thinking about death though... so that's something. You know an asteroid hit would void the social contract of kids cleaning up after parents. Failing that I'm gonna keep down-sizing as the Mil's house has been and continues to be a challenge to empty.
So much stuff.
I held on to a decent vacuum cleaner that belonged to my cousin as I was cleaning out his house like 8 years ago after he died. My daughter moved into her first apartment 2 weeks ago, and of course I gave her the vacuum after giving it a cleaning and a new bag. It will finally see good use again and be worthwhile, but holding onto stuff just because it may be useful someday is what causes us to have so much stuff in the first place. It worked out this time, but there's too much stuff.
Yeah, I got a bunch of garage tools when we cleaned my Uncles house out. I don't think I really need this many ratchet sets and broken chainsaws. I keep telling myself, I have to figure out what kinds of projects I'll really be doing in retirement so I don't off load the wrong stuff, but I think it all just needs to go.
My MiL was a bulk buyer of everything and never saw a diet product she wouldn't buy. It really made me sad to see how much pain was in her around her weight / eating habits. She created so much beauty but her relationship with her abusive mom made her too sensitive for this world.
I'm with ya.
I'm in that middle place where my dead ancestors' stuff is in my possession, And I have the childhood possessions of the now grown but studio-apartmented children. It's a lot of stuff. And it's freighted with nostalgia.
Cleaning it up, collecting it, storing it, sorting it, moving it from where it is to where it really should be... fuck I'm tired just typing about it.
Maybe put it all in a shipping container and hide it behind Walmart.
No, don't put it there, that's where I get mah weed.
Smoke more, make more room?
Challenge accepted!