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I read this summer heat wave that baked the US also baked China.
Since a large section of the Chinese are more afluent than ever they bought A/C units for their homes.
The demand for electricity outstriped supply so the government told Tesla, the factory that makes iPhones, and several other factories to cut their usage 50%. That's sure to effect supplies and prices for awhile.
Last edited by xoxoxoBruce (11/07/2022 1:43 am)
xoxoxoBruce wrote:
I read this summer heat wave that baked the US also baked China.
That heatwave and drought was observed all over the world. Friends took a Rhine River ship this summer. They had to disembark at one port near Frankfort. Were transported by bus to another port. And then reloaded onto an identical ship. To bypass low water. This has happen now twice in the past five years.
Britain scored record high temperatures this year at over 100 degree F. In a nation that typically does not have much air conditioning because temperature normally do not reach such levels. Also unusual is a hurricane forming north of Bermuda and this late in the year. A subtropical storm striking Alaska. India was setting new high temperature records (ie 120 degree F) in April - before summer heat.
High temperatures and drought were unusually common this year throughout the world.
Due to high temperatures, Europe has a problem with too much natural gas even with a Russian cut off. LNG tankers are not sitting at sea full and awaiting orders. All tanks in Europe are full. Demand is missing. Prices for gas dropped from $300 per KW-hr to about $35. Some were reported paid to take gas shipments - a negative price for gas.
Last edited by tw (11/07/2022 11:58 am)
We ran our air conditioner yesterday for a bit. Don't remember doing that in November before.
California has had 1377 wells go dry so far this year, 37% ahead of last year. One woman who's retire and has two pet horses had he 348 ft well dry up and had to scramble to water the horses. Of course all the drillers are up to their ears so she is on the waiting list. To put in a 600 ft well the low bid is $54,318.
Back to charts...
Netflix. Spotify. I anchor those stats at zero.
Any idea why one of those passes Spellcheck and not the other?
Who owns the land?
♫ And the sign said
"Anybody caught trespassin'
Will be shot on sight"
♪ So I jumped on the fence and I yelled at the house
"Hey! What gives you the right
To put up a fence to keep me out
But to keep Mother Nature in?
♫ If God was here, he'd tell you to your face
'Man, you're some kind of sinner'"
Something is wrong with that chart. Since inflration in the UK (in other sources) is slightly higher in the UK by about or just under one percentage point.
That graph is purported to show the difference in the inflation rate from the first quarter of 2020 to the first quarter of 2022. It's really too small and unclear to show accurate numbers, only relative increases between countries.
Lower your carbon imprint, more importantly fatten your wallet.
How many people have bought every iPhone for bragging rights?
One of the ways to grow your company is to gobble up competition and merge with key suppliers who might jump ship or help
your competitors on the side. You're gobbling their patents and expertise too. Think of the savings from paying 1 CEO not 6 or 8.
It's all good... for them, but when they are defense contractors not so much for the taxpayers.
Then you get what looked like a good idea on a napkin becomes the f-35 nightmare in reality.
Where are the codgers, I'd have guessed the southwest and Florida.
The original of the following was interactive, when you could click on the yellow or blue for each state and it would give a more accurate number for that category than the line above it. I just sampled a few states.
Updated for 2023. I listen to NPR daily followed by the AP and pick up the WSJ on rare occasions. The rest of the chart is good to know if you're spending a lot of time surfing.
But Griff, that's all depressing stuff. Tunes, need tunes, does it really matter if you know the world will end in 15 minutes? There's nothing you can do about it, but worry how much it will hurt. Tunes man tunes.
These people under the guise of editorial shilling for the appliance hucksters.
Watch out you might hit an animal,
Yes Dear. Yes, Deer.
I wonder what it looks like to "beat" an elephant. Unarmed, you have no realistic way to kill it. You can't puncture its skin with your teeth, you can't get your hands or even arms around its neck, you can't hold its mouth and trunk closed at the same time, you can't do anything to it. And it can stomp your head like a melon or gore you with its tusks, if it wants to.
Types of animals struck by cars.
Around here racoons and skunks (not listed) are about equal.
The standout stat is about birds and cows. They are about same on the chart, but differ somewhat in how many are noticed and reported. Ya think?
That chart on beating animals unarmed shows the gulf between health care here and across the pond.
In the US you or your insurance you buy gets billed by the mental health pros.
It's very expensive and the reason why the Americans who believe they can beat any animal larger than a Goose is fucking crazy.
Graphs and charts? Yes Sir aisle 3...
Snitches get Riches
War, children
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Where's all the women at? Java.
Whoopee we're all gonna die
How people heat their homes.
It's from WAPO and a little misleading in large swaths are colored with the leading method. They linked to a place where you could enter a ZIP code and it gave the percentage of each the sources used.
Electric includes heat pumps as well as resistance coils and radiant units.