The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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4/13/2023 2:13 am  #1

True Map

All the attempts to show a 3-D world on a 2-D sheet of paper use various projections, the most common being Mercator.
he result is grossly exaggerated difference in size of continents and countries.  This one is more accurate in their relationships.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

4/13/2023 7:07 am  #2

Re: True Map

I like that, in an artistic sort of way.  But it's fairly useless when looking at a region to see how neighboring countries fit together.


4/14/2023 11:32 am  #3

Re: True Map

That view needs to be added to the corner of Mercator maps.


4/14/2023 12:02 pm  #4

Re: True Map

big, huge Africa, little baby America

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