And now I have a radio itch...
After I gave up an entire week of my fucking life (all day, all evening, 7 days....) to help train interviewers for our project.... I met with my supervisor who had a list of positive feedback from trainees ....and a list of negative feedback... I was totally blindsided ..... .......and it was absolute bullshit. She agreed it didn't sound like me and promised to investigate.
For example.... someone said I laughed at them when they told me they needed more time to learn something I had corrected them on because they had ADHD. (1) I never had any part of this conversation with anyone (2) I have a son diagnosed with ADHD and who I helped fight for appropriate help in the classroom, and would never laugh at/with anyone who said that, even if they were (inappropriately) joking etc. I was not told who it was.
During training there was a young male trainee with whom I interacted once. He was playing the respondent for his (very capable) partner during the physical measures part, but was being a dickhead/awkward. His partner handled it brilliantly, but it made them unable to practice all the things properly and trainees are instructed to be compliant and the "ideal respondent" when it is their turn to play that part, so I had to remind him of this.
Apparently he complained. fine.
Aside from watching/instructing pairs as they practiced the physical measures, my job for the training involved role playing a respondent for the verbal interview part -reading from a script, but also answering any questions regarding my answers from trainees who missed things/required clarification (script was designed to make that necessary). So I had to face the room. This wanker was staring at me rather than looking at his computer like all the others. And when I wasn't facing the room. He sat at on the table right behind me -the same table as when I corrected him- after he made the complant, and after they were all instructed to choose a different table and a different partner. One of my other tasks was to record any questions asked and the responses given. Every time I looked up to see who had asked the question, he was watching. Weirdly watching. I didn't know why and put it down to basic weirdo at the time, but mentioned it to the room lead when I was told of the complaint about my correcting him about being the perfect respondent (which the room lead confirmed was appropriate). The room lead said they would pay attention to it and advised me to oversee other pairs. No problem. whatever. fuck off, dickwad, I'm perfectly OK with helping other people instead.
Room lead confirms weird staring not my imagination.
.......blah blah blah long story. Today my supervisor told me it turns out every single complaint about me was made by this young man, to different people, and all were easily proven to be untrue/were without any corroboration, whereas I was able to provide names of people who were there when most of the alleged things happened, and who the people I had been interacting with at thos times were (all female) .
.....And she said she hopes he gets fired soon, his temperament seems unsuitable for the job :D (that bit is not up to our side of operations)
I am now relying on the hope that when that happens, he's too stupid and lazy to try and find me to exact revenge IRL. Fortunately he lives a long, long way away.
But my mood has improved because I knew all the complaints were not true, so I had been festering and wondering what was so bad about me that I pissed off so many people that they felt the need to make bad shit up to get me in trouble. turns out it wasn't so many people. It was one little shit.
I don't hope he steps on a lego, because no lego block deserves that.
Last edited by monster (5/10/2023 9:28 pm)
(and my mood needed improving because yesterday all that sweet, sweet overtime pay from training was wiped out by getting all the brake pads and rotors replaced on my car.) But then, I did it, and adulted good... so win overall? I dropped of the car, took the bus to work, and back etc...