to cover his incompetence.
Fortunately our bosses know my work style and know my thoroughness and because of said work style and thoroughness there was documentation to prove what he said was bullshit. ....But he still lied about what happened to all our faces in spite of the proof otherwise. Lies as bad as "you kept the envelope" ....and then the boss to whom he finally fessed up and gave the incriminating letter walked over with it the envelope....
I found a reportable error in his work three weeks ago through some mail that came back. I took it to him, had him figure out what happened, work out how many times it happened, make sure it won't happen again....and told him that it had to be reported but it would be better if he did it. There were also two non-reportable problems with it, I resolved those so it could be corrected and resent. That created an e-trail that caused his downfall (perhaps wishful thinking but....) Anyhoo, he asked to be the one to report it (good call) .....then didn't. My gut feeling told me to hang on to the evidence until he needed it to report it. I knew I had a big gut for a reason!
periodically I asked if he had reported it yet... (he was able to take it from my file if he decided to so so... so I knew he hadn't)
On Friday I had my monthly check-in with the boss. I said to him "did you report this yet" No. I said OK I have a meeting on Friday I'll do it. He decided to do it first seeing as he also had a meeting. As I suspected it was a reportable fuck-up (a potential data/confidentiality breech) and the bosses were mad as fuck. This shit happens. but apparently it has to be reported within 14 days and any delay must be explained. So he started off by saying I only notified him about the letter on Friday...... and just kept digging himself in. Kept trying to blame many, many other processes and people for all of the things (and mostly me for the timing).
The bosses were all "so walk me through the process you used to produce this letter so we can see what happened...." I retreated into my cube (to try and write my annual self eval about how awesome I am) and I can hear him telling all these blatant lies about the delay, trying to put it on me. I was shaking with anger/indignation. literally shaking. But I kept Schtum. The two bosses retreated into the bigger bosses office (directly opposite our cubes) to discuss and I messaged the one who is both of our administrative supervisors as well as the boss of the project that I needed to chat face to face today. she messaged back yup. got it. She dumped a meeting for me, bless her cotton supervisory socks, and told me I did everything right, I was right to be mad af and she will be dealing with him on the bus issue as well as the fuck-up issue...
When I got back to my desk, the other one had emailed me also saying I did everything right and they were so glad for my spotting the problem, fixing it and following up and not ignoring it. So that's nice. but twat and I can never ever be friends least I don't need to pretend any more?..... grrrr. I'm still mad AF so decided to bore all y'alll with it/get it out of my system where no-one will read it.
What an awful play. I'm glad you had all your bases covered.
Good on Ya. Monster.
Now let's hear from the defense.
Mr Mason. Present your first witness.
If I'm the boss, I'd think that obviously he had this horrible thing he had to do, fess up to his mistake, and he kept procrastinating doing it. So it got bigger and bigger and bigger, and harder and harder to do. Which is all understandable to me. I've been in similar spots. But as bad as that is, to try to lie your way out of it once it has come to a head is completely the wrong instinct to have. Now the trust is gone and I don't know how he can move forward.
If he's a young and inexperienced person, I might understand how he got there, and might think he might learn from this and move forward again, but that bad instinct to be a liar would be kind of a deal breaker to me. I'd likely not trust him again, and supervise more closely.
I was called into the boss' office today. I thought oh no what now...
...more responsibility on a new project in the fall :D
Congratulations, I guess? Does that mean more work too?
thanks :D more work? not really. harder work perhaps -which is good because what I do now ain't exactly straining my capabilities. But it means the experience I need to be promoted to the next level. Before my trip to the UK, I bit the bullet and told my boss that was my aim (I'm new at this career lark) ...seems to have been the right move. I already have a new project that people seem kind of surprised that I have so I guess I'm getting it right. I hope I am.
I think most women my age who take entryish level jobs are just marking time/making a few extra $$ for kids in college and are not interested in being challenged more and earning more. The bosses were kind of surprised when I said I was seeking promotion (although they tried to hide it), and I was kinda concerned/offended, but they have been amazingly supportive since I made it known (and have always said how much they value me from the get-go) so I know I did the right thing. I'm new to this game..... but I'm learning
confession: I'm finding twat's "punishment" most enjoyable. I know I shouldn't but.... I kinda don't care.
The report the big boss must write involves providing all sorts of details about each of the 19 cases affected. twat is being made to find all that data and is floundering a little.
glatt wrote:
. Now the trust is gone and I don't know how he can move forward.
“Trust is a one-time only offer.”
— Wolf
Sounds like you have pretty good bosses all around. You have strong qualifications and they would be stupid to not let you shine. It makes them shine too.
monster wrote:
twat is being made to find all that data and is floundering a little.
Rather than fire him, they are making him learn from his mistakes. A concept well defined by W.E. Deming. Another indicator of better bosses.
tw wrote:
monster wrote:
twat is being made to find all that data and is floundering a little.Rather than fire him, they are making him learn from his mistakes. A concept well defined by W.E. Deming. Another indicator of better bosses.
Not a fireable offence. they call working for our employer "The Golden Handcuffs" for a good reason -it's hard to get fired after 6 months and the bennies are great
Apparently the punishment is not over. I even started to feel a little sorry for him.... but then I nipped that in the bud. Because he's a Twat.
Apparently, it had never occurred to him to look at the condolence letters he printed before sending them to bereaved children. Not even a quick glance. He keeps banging on about how there isn't proper documentation for all procedures (which is kinda true but..). I guess he needs wiping yer arse explanation in case he has to take a bathroom break in the middle of the task?
Anyhoo... that's how he missed the problem I found. So when the bosses submitted the report, they submitted 100% Quality Check as the proposed resolution. And then they made him look back at the files of all letters he ever generated (only a couple months-ish, maybe a few hundred) and he found a few minor errors .....and another reportable incident. I started to feel bad....
....but then he started on the twatspeak again and my potential sympathy vanished
And they all died happily ever after.
I suspect he's "on the spectrum" (maybe doesn't know) so I was trying really hard to support, but the whole bus thing opened the floodgates. I only have so much thingumajig........ and then I get so happy to have Teh Cellar
tw wrote:
Speaking of the twat in the next cube...
Pete Zicato wrote:
“Trust is a one-time only offer.”— Wolf
That is a deceptively powerful truth.
monster wrote:
Not a fireable offence. they call working for our employer "The Golden Handcuffs" for a good reason -it's hard to get fired after 6 months and the bennies are great
How egregious would an offense be to get fired?
(Does this company have tenure?)
monster wrote:
Apparently the punishment is not over. I even started to feel a little sorry for him.... but then I nipped that in the bud. Because he's a Twat.
Dead man walking... he did it to himself.
glatt wrote:
Sounds like you have pretty good bosses all around. You have strong qualifications and they would be stupid to not let you shine. It makes them shine too.
btw thanks, I think I do. I kinda like it there. they're switched on, fair and supportive. But I need to move up from the the bottom rank because I can do more. much more. It kinda shocks me every time someone at my level says "oh well that seems like a problem/decision for the next level" I just deal with it and if I don'r know how, or find an obstacle... then I go up the chain and report what I've got so far.